Note: These Regulations are written in both Chinese and English. The Chinese translation will take precedence if there is any discrepancy or disagreement. The English version is for reference only.
Measures for Management of Graduate Courses and
Grade Recording of Harbin Institute of Technology
No. 36 [2023], Graduate School
第一章 总则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为有效达成学校及各学科人才培养目标,依据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(2017年2月4日教育部第41号令)和《哈尔滨工业大学研究生学籍管理规定》,结合我校研究生教育实际,制定本办法。
Article 1 These Measures are developed to effectively achieve the talent cultivation goals of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in accordance with the “Regulations for Management of Students in Regular Higher Education Institutions” (《普通高等学校学生管理规定》) (Order No. 41 of the Ministry of Education, February 4, 2017) and “Regulations for Management of Graduate Student Status of Harbin Institute of Technology” (《哈尔滨工业大学研究生学籍管理规定》), tailored to the specific conditions of the graduate education at the university.
第二章 课程(环节)要求
Chapter II Course (Module) Requirements
第二条 硕士研究生应修总学分不少于24学分,其中学位课不少于14学分,选修课5-8学分,必修环节2-5学分。专业学位硕士研究生在攻读硕士学位期间应修总学分应满足相应的全国专业学位研究生教育指导委员会的相关要求。国家及学校人才培养专项按专项要求执行。具体学分分配如下:
Article 2 Master’s students are required to complete a minimum of 24 credits, which includes at least 14 credits from degree-required courses, 5-8 credits from elective courses, 2-5 credits from compulsory modules. Professional master’s degree students should meet the credit requirements specified by the National Steering Committee of Professional Graduate Education before graduation. Both national and university-specific talent training programs shall follow their respective guidelines. The credit requirements are detailed in the table below:

第三条 博士研究生应修总学分不少于12学分,必修环节4学分。具体学分分配如下:
Article 3 Doctoral students are required to complete a minimum of 12 credits, which includes 4 credits from compulsory modules. The credit requirements are detailed in the table below:

第四条 硕博连读/直博生应修总学分30学分,其中学位课19学分,选修课5-8学分,必修环节3-6学分。具体学分分配如下:
Article 4 Students in Combined Master’s-Doctoral Programs or Direct-Entry Doctoral Programs are required to complete a total of 30 credits, which includes 19 credits from degree-required courses, 5-8 credits from elective courses, and 3-6 credits from compulsory modules. The credit requirements are detailed in the table below:

Note: If a major has specific credit requirements tailored to its needs, those requirements should be followed, provided they align with the university's overall standards.
第五条 思想政治理论课课程要求
Article 5 Requirements for Courses in Chinese Politics and Culture
“Marxism in China and Contemporary Era”: 32 class hours, 2 credits. This course is compulsory for all doctoral students.
“Theory and Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era”: 32 class hours, 2 credits. “Introduction to the Dialectics of Nature”: 16 class hours, 1 credit. These two courses are compulsory for all graduate students.
“Chinese Culture”: 32 hours, 2 credits. This course is compulsory for international students and students from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.
第六条 第一外国语课程要求
Article 6 Requirements for First Foreign Language Courses
First Foreign Language: 32 class hours, 2 credits. Three languages are offered: English, Russian, and Japanese. Students who meet the criteria outlined in the “Exemption Procedures for Graduate Students’ First Foreign Language Courses” (《研究生第一外国语课程免修办法》) can apply for an exemption. Approved exemptions will be recorded as “exempt”. Students who First Foreign Language courses will earn credits; however, these credits will not be considered in scholarship eligibility evaluations. Other language courses taken for personal enrichment do not count towards academic credit.
第七条 学科核心课为支撑本学科(专业)知识体系和培养学生基本学术能力、实践创新能力的核心专业课程。研究生在导师指导下根据自身需要和兴趣在本学科(专业)培养方案中选择学习,满足学位课学分要求。
Article 7 Core courses are essential for building fundamental knowledge of a discipline and honing both academic and practical skills. Graduate students should, in consultation with their supervisors, select from these courses based on their needs and interests to meet the credit requirements for degree-required courses.
第八条 选修课一般结合学科主要研究方向或领域学术前沿设置。研究生在导师指导下根据自身需要和兴趣可跨学科(专业)选择研究生和本科生课程学习,满足选修课学分要求。
Article 8 Elective courses are typically aligned with key research areas or emerging topics within a student’s major. Graduate students, in consultation with their supervisors, can select from a diverse array of disciplines and levels—including both graduate and undergraduate courses—to fulfill their elective credit requirements based on their interests and needs.
第九条 导师还可根据研究工作需要和研究生的学科基础指定补修课程。补修课程记成绩,不计学分。
Article 9 Supervisors may assign supplementary courses based on the research needs and disciplinary backgrounds of their graduate students. These courses will be graded but will not count towards the credit requirements.
第十条 学术活动,1学分。博士研究生在攻读学位期间应参加国际(内)学术会议、学术报告和学术讲座等学术活动,一般应使用外文做一次口头报告。由学院、学部制定有关学分获得办法。
Article 10 Academic Activities: 1 credit. During their degree program, doctoral students must participate in academic activities, including international or domestic academic conferences, presentations, and lectures. Typically, students are required to deliver at least one oral presentation in a foreign language. The specific requirements for earning these credits are determined by the respective college or department.
第十一条 实践活动,专业学位博士研究生在攻读学位期间应结合课题及行业、企业需求参加工程技术研讨、工程项目组织与管理等实践活动。实践活动考核需提交实践总结报告,字数不少于5000字。
Article 11 Practical Activities. Professional doctoral students must engage in practical activities pertinent to their research topics and industry needs, such as engineering technology seminars and project organization and management. To pass the assessment, students are required to submit a report of at least 5,000 words.
第十二条 专业实践,3学分。专业学位硕士研究生在攻读学位期间应完成专业实践,由学院、学部制定相应要求和考核办法。
Article 12 Professional Practice: 3 credits. Professional master’s students are required to complete a professional practice component as part of their degree program. Their college or department shall establish the specific requirements and assessment criteria for this practice.
第三章 培养计划的制定及修改
Chapter III Development and Revision of Training Plans
第十三条 新生入学报到注册1周内须在导师指导下制定个人培养计划,并在研究生教育管理系统中进行培养计划申请,经导师审核通过后,在系统进行当前学期课程的选课。
Article 13 New students are required to create a personal training plan with the guidance of their supervisor within one week of registering at the university. This plan must be submitted via the graduate education management system. Once the plan receives approval from the supervisor, students can then proceed to select their courses for the term through the same system.
第十四条 在执行计划过程中,根据本人学习和科研进展,个人培养计划可有条件调整。每学期开学初2周内研究生可自行在研究生教育管理系统进行培养计划修改申请,经导师审核同意后,可进行当前学期课程的选课及退课。逾期如遇特殊情况可向学院、学部申请办理。
Article 14 The personal training plan may be adjusted conditionally based on a student’s academic and research progress. During the first 2 weeks of each term, students may request changes to their training plan through the graduate education management system. Upon approval by their supervisor, they can then add or drop courses for the term. If a student is unable to meet the deadline due to exceptional circumstances, they may apply to their college or department for assistance.
第四章 课程学习
Chapter IV Course Enrollment and Participation
第十五条 研究生选课成功后,须按要求参加教学计划规定的教学活动(包括作业及实践性教学环节等)和考核,成绩合格方可取得学分。缺课课时累计达1/3及以上者,不能参加相应课程的考核,成绩按“0”分记载。
Article 15 After successful course enrollment, graduate students must participate in all required academic activities, including assignments and practical components, and pass the assessments to earn credits. Students who miss 1/3 or more of the total class hours of a course will be ineligible to take the course assessment, and their grade will be recorded as “0”.
第十六条 研究生可以选修与我校相关学科(专业)学术声誉和学术水平相当的国内外高校、科研机构开设的研究生课程及开放式网络课程。须经导师同意,学院、学部主管领导批准,并报研究生院备案,所需经费由研究生本人承担。修课结束后,凭开课单位主管部门开具的成绩单原件,由研究生所属学院、学部认定成绩并核定学分,经学院、学部主管领导审核同意后可记入研究生成绩单。研究生选修校外课程一般不得超过培养方案要求的课程学分数的三分之一,课程成绩不计入竞争性奖助学金评定。
Article 16 Graduate students can enroll in graduate-level and open online courses offered by domestic and international universities and research institutions with academic reputations comparable to HIT in the relevant disciplines. However, they must obtain approval from their supervisor and the relevant college or department leadership, and they must report their enrollment to the Graduate School. Any associated costs shall be borne by students themselves. After completing the courses, students must submit the original transcript issued by the offering institution to their college or department for grade and credit recognition. Approved grades will be recorded on their transcript. Generally, credits earned from external courses should not exceed one-third of the total course credits required by the training program, and these grades will not be considered in eligibility evaluations for competitive scholarships.
第十七条 研究生在学期间,可选修本科生课程。研究生选修本科生课程须在每学期开学初规定时间内在研究生教育综合管理系统中进行选课,逾期未选课的其成绩与学分不予承认。研究生选修的本科生课程,可记入研究生成绩单,跨一级学科学习的本科生课程可计为选修课学分,本学科本科生课程不计学分。
Article 17 Graduate students may take undergraduate courses as part of their studies. To do so, they must register for the courses they need in the graduate education management system within the designated period at the beginning of each term. Any courses completed without proper registration within this period will not be eligible for grades or credits. Undergraduate courses taken by graduate students will appear on their transcripts; however, only those from outside their own discipline can be counted as elective credits, courses within a student’s own discipline will not count toward the credit requirements of their graduate program.
第十八条 经导师和学院、学部主管领导同意,研究生选修的我校研究生暑期学校课程,杰出人才培养计划课程,考核合格,可记入成绩单,计入选修课学分。
Article 18 With the approval of their supervisor and the relevant college or department leadership, graduate students may enroll in summer term courses and courses from HIT’s Outstanding Talent Training Program. If they successfully pass the assessments, these courses will be recorded on their transcripts and can be counted as elective credits.
第五章 课程考核及成绩记载
Chapter V Course Assessment and Grade Recording
第十九条 课程考核方式分“考试”和“考查”两种。
Article 19 Assessment in courses is conducted through either examinations or evaluations.
第二十条 学位课程必须进行考试,成绩按百分制评定,60分及以上为合格,课程成绩评定应注意过程评价。考试方法可采用笔试或口试,笔试须有试卷,口试须有详细记录,考试成绩等级分布要合理。
Article 20 For degree-required courses, students are assessed through exams and graded on a 100-point scale. A score of 60 or higher is passing, and the grades should reflect overall performance throughout the course. Exams may be administered in written or oral formats. Written exams require a test paper, while oral exams need detailed records. Grades should be distributed fairly and equitably.
第二十一条 选修课可进行考查,成绩可以按百分制评定,也可以按二级分制评定,按二级分制评定时,记为“合格”或“不合格”。考查方法可采用笔试、口试、撰写读书报告、研究报告等形式。
Article 21 For elective courses, students may be assessed through evaluations. Grades can be assigned on a 100-point scale or a Pass/Fail basis. Evaluation methods may include written tests, oral exams, book reports, research reports, etc.
第二十二条 必修环节按各学科相应要求及考核办法执行,成绩一般以二级分制评定,记为“合格”或“不合格”。
Article 22 For compulsory modules, students are assessed based on discipline-specific requirements and methods, typically using the Pass/Fail grading system.
第二十三条 考核成绩如实记入研究生成绩单。学位课成绩计入GPA。成绩对应关系如下表:
Article 23 Assessment results will be accurately recorded on the student’s transcript. Grades for degree-required courses are included in the GPA. The conversion of scores between different scales is as follows:


第二十四条 所有有绩点的成绩参与平均学分绩点(GPA,Grade Point Average)计算。
平均学分绩点(GPA)= ∑(课程绩点╳课程学分)/ ∑课程学分。
Article 24 All courses with grade points are included in the GPA. The GPA is calculated as follows:
GPA = ∑(Grade Points per Credit×Course Credits) /∑Course Credits
第六章 缓考
Chapter VI Deferred Exams
第二十五条 研究生因故不能参加课程考核者,应在考核前正式提出缓考申请,填写《研究生缓考申请表》,并提供有关证明,经任课教师同意,所在学院、学部负责人审核,报研究生院批准后生效。
Article 25 Graduate students who are unable to attend a course assessment for valid reasons must apply for a deferral in advance. This requires completing the “Application Form for Deferred Examinations of Graduate Students” (《研究生缓考申请表》) and providing any required supporting documents. The application will be considered valid only after it receives approval from the course instructor, the heads of the applicant’s department and college, and the Graduate School.
第二十六条 获准缓考的研究生须参加该门课程下一次的考核,成绩如实记载。
Article 26 Graduate students who have been granted approval for a deferred exam shall complete the assessment at its next available offering. Their grade will be recorded based on their performance at that time.
第二十七条 研究生申请缓考严禁弄虚作假,若有作假行为按照《哈尔滨工业大学学生违纪处分办法》处理。
Article 27 Graduate students must not provide false information when applying for a deferred exam. Any instances of dishonesty will be addressed in accordance with the “Student Disciplinary Measures of Harbin Institute of Technology”(《哈尔滨工业大学学生违纪处分办法》).
第七章 重修与改修
Chapter VII Course Retake and Substitution
第二十八条 研究生课程考核成绩不合格,允许其重修。研究生需在研究生教育综合管理系统中申请重修,并参加该门课程下一次的学习和考核。已完成课程学习的,可选择不参加课程学习只参加考试,不记录平时成绩,成绩按卷面分数折合。
Article 28 Graduate students who fail a course may retake it by applying through the graduate education management system. Upon approval and enrollment, they required to attend all scheduled classes and complete the assessments for the next available offering of the course. If they have already attended the classes previously, they may opt to skip them and only take the exam. In this case, their grade will be based solely on their exam score.
第二十九条 重修课程考核合格后,在研究生成绩单中按实际成绩记载,成绩及绩点均标记“重修”,重修获得的成绩不参与学位课筛选成绩计算*。
Article 29 After passing the retake, the grade will be marked as “Retake” on the student’s transcript and will not be included in the cumulative GPA of degree-required courses*.
第三十条 考核不合格的课程可在导师指导下改修,最多可改修两门次。改修后的课程所获得的成绩不参与学位课筛选成绩计算。
Article 30 If a student fails a course, they may replace it with another one with the guidance of their supervisor, up to two times. The grades from these courses will not be included in the cumulative GPA of degree-required courses.
第三十一条 研究生学位课经重修或改修后仍有两门次课程不合格者,予以退学。
Article 31 Graduate students who fail two or more retaken or substituted courses will be dismissed from their program.
第三十二条 课程成绩考核合格的不允许重修。
Article 32 Courses that have been passed cannot be retaken.
第八章 免修
Chapter VIII Course Exemption
第三十三条 研究生已修过某门课程并经过考核或通过其它途径掌握了该门课程系统知识,可在提出免修申请并经过审批同意后,不参加该课程听课,直接参加课程考核,成绩合格可获得该门课程学分。
Article 33 Graduate students who have previously completed a course or acquired equivalent knowledge through other means may apply for an exemption from attending the course. Upon approval, they may skip the classes and proceed directly to the assessment. If they pass the assessment, they will be awarded the course credits.
第三十四条 申请及审批程序为:研究生填写《哈尔滨工业大学研究生直接参加课程考核申请表》,指导教师和任课教师签字同意,研究生院批准备案。
Article 34 To apply for a course exemption, students should complete the “Harbin Institute of Technology Graduate Student Class-Free Assessment Application Form” (《哈尔滨工业大学研究生直接参加课程考核申请表》). This form must be signed by both the student’s supervisor and the course instructor. Once completed, submit the form to the Graduate School for final approval and record-keeping.
第三十五条 第一外国语的免修参照《研究生第一外国语课程免修办法》执行。
Article 35 Exemptions for a First Foreign Language course are subject to the “Regulations for Exemption from the First Foreign Language Courses for Graduate Students”(《研究生第一外国语课程免修办法》).
第九章 考试纪律
Chapter IX Examination Conduct
第三十六条 未经批准不参加研究生课程考核者,按旷考处理,成绩按“0”分记入研究生成绩单。
Article 36 Students who miss an assessment without prior approval will be marked as absent, and their grade will be recorded as “0” on their transcript.
第三十七条 研究生须自觉遵守《哈尔滨工业大学研究生考场纪律》,若有违纪或作弊行为,按照《哈尔滨工业大学学生考试纪律及考试违纪处分管理办法》处理。
Article 37 Graduate students must adhere to the “Graduate Examination Rules of Harbin Institute of Technology”(《哈尔滨工业大学研究生考场纪律》). Any violations of conduct or instances of cheating will be handled in accordance with the “Examination Discipline and Misconduct Regulations of Harbin Institute of Technology” (哈尔滨工业大学学生考试纪律及考试违纪处分管理办法》).
第十章 成绩管理
Chapter X Grade Management
第三十八条 任课教师一般在考核结束后一周内完成评分工作并提交课程成绩单(特殊情况下不超过两周)。研究生可在研究生教育综合管理系统中进行成绩查询。
Article 38 Instructors must complete grading and submit course grades within one week after assessment, or within two weeks in exceptional circumstances. Students can check their grades in the graduate education management system.
第三十九条 研究生对某门课程的成绩有疑问时,可在成绩发布后十个工作日内向所在学院、学部提出成绩复核申请,并报研究生院审核备案。
Article 39 If a graduate student wishes to contest a course grade, they can submit an appeal to their college or department within ten working days of after the grade is released. Additionally, the appeal should be sent to the Graduate School for review and record-keeping.
第四十条 经研究生院批准,研究生入学之前在哈尔滨工业大学学习并取得学分的研究生课程,符合当前培养方案要求的可申请成绩认定。由本人提出申请,经导师同意,学院、学部批准,研究生院核定后方可生效。
Article 40 Students may apply for credit recognition for courses completed at Harbin Institute of Technology before their enrollment, provided these courses align with current program requirements. The application must be submitted by the students to their supervisor and college/department for approval, and finally confirmed by the Graduate School. Approval from the Graduate School is required for the credits to be officially recognized.
第十一章 附则
Chapter XI Supplementary Provisions
第四十一条 本办法由研究生院负责解释。
Article 41 The Graduate School is responsible for interpreting these Measures.
第四十二条 本办法自发布之日起施行。
Article 42 These Measures take effect as of the date of issuance.
* 《研究生课程学习奖优与黄牌说明(含筛选成绩计算方法)》
* “Explanation of Graduate Course Performance Awards and Yellow Card System (Including Methods for Calculating Cumulative GPA of Degree-Required Courses)”
Graduate Course Performance Awards and Yellow Card System
After completing their course study, graduate students will receive a "screened score" from their department or college, which is used to evaluate academic performance and determine eligibility for scholarships. This score is based on initial exam scores from degree-required courses. If a student replaces a course, the original score is used, instead of the new course's score. Scores from first foreign language courses are excluded.
Students with unsatisfactory scores may receive a "yellow card" warning and will be reported to the Graduate School. Typically, 2% to 5% of students in a given cohort receive this warning, with the exact percentage set by each college or department. Those who receive a yellow card warning must present their thesis/dissertation proposal to their department's degree evaluation subcommittee. Additionally, the subcommittee will closely monitor the student's thesis work to ensure satisfactory progress.
Calculation of the Screened Score:
Due to variations in grading standards among different instructors, discrepancies may occur, resulting in some students receiving higher scores and others lower. This variation can cause potential bias when comparing scores among students in different courses. To address this issue, the Graduate School has conducted multiple rounds of calculation testing, engaged in expert discussions, and incorporated student feedback from various colleges and departments. As a result, the following method has been established for calculating the screened score:
The screened score is based on the actual scores earned from degree-required courses. The calculation process is as follows:


Graduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology
August 22, 2023