Note: These Regulations are written in both Chinese and English. The Chinese translation will take precedence if there is any discrepancy or disagreement. The English version is for reference only.
Measures for Undergraduate Course Assessment and Grade Management of Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
(For Trial Implementation)
第一章 总 则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为有效实现哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)及各专业人才培养目标,依据《哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)本科生学籍管理规定》制定本办法。
Article 1 These Measures are developed to achieve the educational goals of the Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (hereinafter referred to as HITSZ) and its academic programs in accordance with the “Regulations for Management of Undergraduate Student Status of Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen” (《哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)本科生学籍管理规定》).
第二条 本办法所指课程,是各专业培养方案中规定的各类必修课、限选课和选修课,包括实验、实习、课程设计、毕业设计(论文)、科研训练、创新创业活动等实践性教育课程。
Article 2 These Measures apply to all required, restricted elective, and elective courses in the curricula of all kinds of programs, as well as practical education components such as lab sessions, internships, course projects, graduation projects, theses, research training, and innovation and entrepreneurship activities.
第三条 具有我校学籍的本科生,以及来我校交流、进修的各类学生,均须参加所选课程的学习和考核,考核成绩合格方可取得学分。
Article 3 All registered undergraduate students at HITSZ, including those in exchange or continuing education programs, must attend and complete assessments for their selected courses. Only students who pass these assessments will receive the credits.
第二章 课程考核方式
Chapter II Course Assessment Methods
第四条 课程考核方式分“考试”和“考查”两种。每门课程的考核方式在专业培养方案中予以规定。
Article 4 Assessment in courses is conducted through either examinations or evaluations. Each course’s assessment method is specified in the program curriculum.
第五条 课程考核成绩均应按照教学大纲规定的考核环节和成绩构成比例累加记载,即可由平时成绩、期中考试、期末考试等多环节成绩累计得出。
Article 5 Course grades should reflect the combined results of various components and their weightings as detailed in the syllabus. This includes scores from regular assignments, midterm exams, and final exams.
第三章 选课与考试资格认定
Chapter III Course Selection and Exam Eligibility
第六条 学生应当按照学校规定选课,未经选课直接参加学习和考核的学生,其相应课程的考核成绩无效。
Article 6 Students must select courses in accordance with relevant regulations. Course attendance or exam participation without proper enrollment will result in invalid grades.
第七条 选课一般分为预选、正选和补选。但由于教学要求及进度的差别,部分课程原则上不予补选。各类课程的具体选课规则与时间安排以学校发布的选课通知为准。
Article 7 Course selection typically involves three stages: preliminary selection, main selection, and supplementary selection. Some courses may not offer a supplementary selection due to specific teaching requirements or schedules. Detailed rules and arrangements for selection will be provided in the university’s official notifications.
第八条 学生选课成功并按要求完成课程所要求的各环节学习任务(包括作业及实践性教学环节),即获得该门课程的考试资格。
Article 8 Students who successfully enroll in a course and complete all required tasks (including assignments and practical components) are eligible to take the course exams.
第九条 无故缺课累计超过课程教学时数1/3及以上者,取消其参加课程考试的资格。
Article 9 Students who miss 1/3 or more of the total class hours of a course without a valid reason will forfeit their right to take the course exam.
第十条 被取消课程考试资格的学生,不得参加相应课程补考,只能通过重修取得该门课程学分。
Article 10 Students who lose their exam eligibility cannot participate in make-up exams and must retake the course to earn credits.
第四章 缓考与补考
Chapter IV Deferred and Make-up Exams
第十一条 学生因病不能参加某门课程考试,可持学校指定医院(或二级甲等以上层次医院)诊断书申请缓考。
Article 11 Students who cannot attend an exam due to illness may apply for a deferred exam with a diagnosis from an HITSZ-designated hospital or a Grade-II Level-A hospital or higher.
第十二条 学生办理缓考须至少在考试前2日向所在学院提出书面申请,经学院负责人批准后生效。除突发急病和特殊事故外,不得临考前或进考场后或考试后申请缓考。学生因个人私事一般不准予缓考。如发生重修课程与其他课程的考试时间冲突者,应于考前2日办理缓考手续,擅自不参加者按旷考处理。
Article 12 To apply for a deferred exam, students must submit a written application to their college at least 2 days before the exam. The application is valid only after approval by the college head. Except for sudden illness or special incidents, applications will not be accepted on the day of the exam, after entering the exam room, or after the exam has taken place. Other personal matters are generally not valid reasons for deferred exams. If a retake course exam conflicts with another exam, students must apply for a deferral at least 2 days before the exam. Failure to attend without approval will be treated as an unexcused absence.
第十三条 期中考试的缓考申请获批者,其该门课程的期末考试自动按缓考处理。学生仍须参加相应课程的后续学习,否则按第八条、第九条、第十条的规定处理。课程的实验等其他考核环节不予缓考。
Article 13 For students who have applied for a deferred midterm exam and received approval, their final exam for that course will also be considered deferred. They must continue participating in the course; otherwise, they will be subject to the rules in Articles 8, 9, and 10. Deferred exams are not allowed for lab sessions or other assessment components.
第十四条 体育、军训及军事理论、实验、实习、课程设计、毕业设计(论文)等实践类课程不能缓考,只能缓修或重修。对独立设课的实验课,在教师确认学生已经完成实践环节的前提下,可以办理期末笔试环节的缓考。创新研修、创新实验、新生研讨、文理通识课等选修性质的课程不予缓考。
Article 14 For practical components such as physical education, military training, lab work, internships, course projects, graduation projects, and theses, deferred exams are not permitted. If a student is unable to complete the assessments for these components on time, they must either reschedule or retake them. For independent lab courses, if students have completed the practical components, they may defer the final written exam. Elective courses such as innovative workshops, innovative lab courses, freshman seminars, and general education courses do not allow deferred exams.
第十五条 被批准缓考的学生只允许参加相应课程的补考,并在学业成绩单中注明“缓考”字样。缓考课程考试不合格或擅自不参加者,只能通过重修取得该门课程学分。
Article 15 Students approved for a deferred exam may only take the corresponding make-up exam for the course, which will be marked as "deferred" on their academic transcript. If a student fails or misses the deferred exam, they must retake the course to earn credits.
第十六条 未办理缓考或未被批准缓考的学生擅自不参加考试,其相应课程成绩按“旷考”记载,并取消其补考资格,只能通过重修取得该门课程学分。
Article 16 Students who do not attend an exam without prior approval will have their course grade recorded as "absent" and will forfeit their eligibility for a make-up exam. They will need to retake the course to earn credits.
第十七条 学生申请缓考严禁弄虚作假,若有作假行为且经查实,按照《哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)学生违纪处分办法》给予相应处分。
Article 17 Students must provide accurate information when applying for deferred exams. Any instances of fraud, once verified, will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the “Student Disciplinary Procedures of Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen” (《哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)学生违纪处分办法》).
第十八条 学生课程考核不合格,须参加学校组织的补考,春季和夏季学期课程的补考安排在秋季学期的开学前或开学初进行,秋季学期课程的补考安排在春季学期的开学前或开学初进行。毕业学期的非重修课程考核不合格的,当学期进行补考。
Article 18 Students who fail a course assessment must take the make-up exam organized by the university. Make-up exams for spring and summer term courses are scheduled before or at the beginning of the fall term, while those for fall term courses are scheduled before or at the beginning of the spring term. Make-up exams for non-retake courses failed in the graduation term are held during the same term.
第十九条 补考不再考核累加式环节,课程补考成绩以卷面成绩按满分100分折合后记载。补考成绩在学业成绩单中按实际分数记载,并注明“补考”字样。
Article 19 The make-up exam for a course does not include any other types of assessments and will be weighted out of 100 points. The actual score and "make-up" will be noted on the academic transcript.
第二十条 专业限选及专业任选课程考核不合格的学生,可根据学院安排参加补考,或重修课程,或改选其他同类课程。
Article 20 Students who fail major restricted elective or free elective courses may take a make-up exam, retake the course, or choose another course of the same type per their college’s arrangements.
Free elective courses such as innovative workshops, innovative lab courses, freshman seminars, and general education courses do not offer make-up exams. Students can retake these courses or select other courses of the same type.
Practical courses such as military training and theory, lab work, internships, course projects, graduation projects, and theses do not offer make-up exams and must be retaken if failed.
第二十一条 学生因考试违纪或作弊受到处分,其该门课程考核成绩记为“0”分,并不得参加相应课程的补考,处分解除后准予重修。
Article 21 Students disciplined for exam misconduct or cheating will have their course grade recorded as "0" and will not be allowed to take the make-up exam for that course. They may retake the course once the disciplinary action is lifted.
If a submitted assignment, essay, or lab report is found to be plagiarized, altered, or falsified, it will be given a score of “0”.
If a submitted final paper, report, or thesis is found to be plagiarized, altered, or falsified by the relevant faculty or expert committee, the final grade for the course will be recorded as “0”.
第二十二条 教务部统一组织公共课和跨学院开设的课程补考,开课学院组织为本学院学生开设的课程补考。补考考试安排于考试前一周在学校网站公布。
Article 22 The Department of Academic Affairs organizes make-up exams for public and inter-college courses, while individual colleges organize make-up exams for their own courses. The schedule for make-up exams will be posted on the website of the university one week before the exams.
第五章 课程缓修、补修、自修
Chapter V Deferred, Make-up, and Independent Study Courses
第二十三条 因身体原因不能完成体育课训练的学生,可持学校指定医院(或二级甲等以上层次医院)证明申请免修。因身体原因一段时间不能完成当学期某课程修读或体育课训练的,可在开学2周内持学校指定医院(或二级甲等以上层次医院)证明申请缓修,并在其后学期补修。
Article 23 Students who are unable to participate in physical education classes due to health reasons can apply for an exemption by providing a certificate from a university-designated hospital or a Grade-II Level-A hospital or higher. If students are temporarily unable to complete a course, including physical education classes, due to health reasons, they may apply for a deferral within the first two weeks of the term. This deferral request must be accompanied by a certificate from a university-designated hospital or a Grade-II Level-A hospital or higher. Students will then have the opportunity to make up the course in a later term.
第二十四条 学生因转专业等原因发生学籍异动,原已修读通过的课程,经转入学院学分认定后可予免修。对不予认定或缺少的必修课程按转入学院要求进行修读。
Article 24 If students change their major or experience other academic status changes, the courses they have already completed and passed may be credited towards their new program upon approval by their new college. For required courses that are not approved for credit or are missing, students must complete them according to the new college’s requirements.
第二十五条 学生补修课程,与正常修读该门课程的学生同等要求。因转专业等造成的补修课程考核成绩在学业成绩单中以实际分数记载,但不参加平均学分绩计算。
Article 25 Students enrolled in make-up courses must meet the same requirements as those in the standard curriculum. Grades for make-up courses—often necessitated by program changes or other circumstances—will be recorded on the academic transcript, but they will not be factored into the GPA calculation.
第二十六条 每学期第2周,平均学分绩85分及以上的学生,可根据自身情况对以课堂教学为主的课程申请自修,经任课教师和所在学院批准后报教务部备案。自修课程的学生须随原班级参加课程考试,成绩以卷面成绩按满分100分折合后记载。
Article 26 In the 2nd week of each term, students with a GPA of 3.5 or above may apply for independent study in courses primarily taught in a classroom setting. This application requires approval from both the course instructor and the student’s college and must be filed with the Department of Academic Affairs. Independent study students must take the course exams with the original class, and their grades will be recorded based on their exam score out of 100.
The following courses are not eligible for independent study:
(1) Physical education, political courses, military training, and military theory courses;
(2) Practical courses such as lab sessions, internships, course projects, graduations projects, and theses.
第六章 重修考试
Chapter VI Retakes
第二十七条 在校生申请春季、秋季学期课程重修,在当学期第1-2周,向所在学院递交申请;申请夏季学期课程重修,在当年春季学期第15-16周向所在学院递交申请。未办理重修手续直接参加课程考核的,其考核成绩无效。
Article 27 Students who wish to retake courses from in the spring or fall term must apply to their college within the first two weeks of the term. For summer term courses, applications should be submitted during the 15th-16th week of the spring term. Exam results for courses taken without completing the retake application process are invalid.
第二十八条 在校生申请课程重修并获批准后,须参加相应课程的期末考试,考试不合格者可参加课程的当期补考。
Article 28 Once a student’s application to retake a course is approved, they must take the final exam for that course. If they fail, they can take the make-up exam for that term.
第二十九条 结业生申请课程重修,须在学习年限内按学分交费。
Article 29 Students who are going to complete their program without earning a degree and wish to retake courses must pay for the corresponding credits within their designated study period.
第七章 成绩管理
Chapter VII Grade Management
第三十条 课程考核成绩以百分制评分和记载。学生课程考核成绩60分及以上的为合格,取得该门课程学分。
Article 30 Course grades are recorded on a 100-point scale. Students must score 60 or above to pass and earn course credits.
第三十一条 学生的学习质量用平均学分绩作为衡量指标。学分绩及平均学分绩按以下公式计算:
Article 31 A student’s academic performance is measured using the Average Score. The course score and average score are calculated as follows:



For students who change their major, grades for courses completed under their original major will be transferred and applied according to the requirements of their previous program. Grades from make-up exams, retakes, minor courses, make-up courses taken due to major change, and elective courses such as innovation workshops and general education courses will not count towards the GPA.
第三十二条 课程考核成绩在考试后一周内发布,学生可及时查询。
Article 32 Course grades are released within one week after the exam, allowing students to promptly check their results.
第三十三条 重修课程考核合格后,在学业成绩单中按实际分数和实际获得时间记载,并注明“重修”字样,所获学分计入重修学期。单独开设的实验、实习、课程设计课程第一次重修考核合格,成绩按第一次补考方式记载,学分计入重修学期。
Article 33 If a student successfully passes a retaken course, the new grade will be recorded on their academic transcript with the actual score and the date earned, marked as “Retake”. The credit for the course will be applied to the term in which the retake was completed. For separate courses such as lab work, internships, and course projects, if a retake is successfully passed on the first attempt, the grade will be recorded accordingly. Credits for these components will also be applied to the term in which the retake was completed.
第三十四条 学生对某门课程的成绩有疑问时,可在成绩发布后5个工作日内在教学管理系统中提出成绩复核申请,复核结论一般在5个工作日内通知学生。
Article 34 If students have questions about their grades, they can request a grade review via the academic management system within 5 working days after the grades are released. The review results are typically communicated within 5 working days.
第三十五条 学生参加学校认定的MOOC等开放式网络课程学习,所获得的课程学分经教务部审核予以承认,并计入学业成绩单。
Article 35 Credits earned from MOOCs and other open online courses recognized by HITSZ will be verified by the Department of Academic Affairs and recorded on the academic transcript.
第三十六条 学生因退学等情况中止学业,经重新高考回到本校就读的,原在校时取得的学分均有效。学生可申请对原已取得的课程学分进行认定,经所在学院审批后可免修其对应的课程。
Article 36 If students withdraw from the University and later re-enroll after retaking the college entrance examination, the credits they previously earned remain valid. Students can apply to have these credits recognized, and upon approval by their college, they can be exempted from retaking the corresponding courses.
第八章 附 则
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
第三十七条 本办法自2018年秋季学期起试行,由教务部负责解释。
Article 37 These Measures shall be implemented on a trial basis beginning with the fall term of 2018. The Department of Academic Affairs reserves the right to interpret these Measures.