关于拟毕业研究生核对学籍基本信息的要求说明 Requirements for Verifying Basic Information of Graduating Students

发布时间:2022-04-29 发布者: 浏览量:


为了保证校本部打印毕业证和学位证信息准确性,拟毕业研究生在获批学位申请下放权限后,需及时登陆校本部研究生教育综合管理系统( 以下简称哈工大学位申请系统),认真核对完善学籍基本信息。若未按规定时间完成核对,毕业证书和学位证书的制作及发放时间将受到影响。具体说明如下:




  2.正确填报姓名拼音。学位证书英文翻译副本需要使用姓名拼音,姓名拼音需按照《中国人名汉语拼音字母拼写规则(GB/T 28039-2011)》中相关规定填写,姓在前,名在后,姓名之间用空格分开,姓的字母全部大写,名的开头字母大写,声调符号省略。例:张三的姓名拼音为“ZHANG San”,艾工大的姓名拼音为“AI Gongda”,诸葛志成的姓名拼音为“ZHUGE Zhicheng”。国际留学生的姓名拼音要求与系统内英文全名一致(姓和名全部大写)。


     参加校区统一组织采集的毕业图像(学位照片)已上传至学信网(http://www.chsi.com.cn/ )及哈工大学位申请系统,请及时登录完成核对(两系统内的毕业图像要求一致,电子图像要求与毕业证学位证纸件照片一致)。









     如有疑问,请联系教务部(邮件:due@hit.edu.cn 电话:0755-26032559)。

Requirements for Verifying Basic Information of Graduating Students

To ensure the accuracy of information on the graduation and degree certificates, if you are a graduating student, please log into HIT’s Graduate Education Management System (hereinafter referred to as the "HIT Degree Application System") after your degree application has been approved, and carefully review and update your basic information as needed. If you fail to complete the verification by the specified deadline, the production and distribution of your graduation and degree certificates will be delayed. The detailed requirements are as follows:

I. Verification Requirements

(I) Personal Information

1. Log into the HIT Degree Application System (http://yjsgl.hit.edu.cn/common/login) using “统一身份认证登录” (Unified Identity Authentication), then go to “学生学籍维护” (Student Record Maintenance)→“基本信息维护” (Basic Information Maintenance) page. Please carefully verify the following information: full name, sex, enrollment date, birth date (must match the details on

your ID card/passport), ID number, supervisor (If your supervisor shares a name with another faculty member, check their departments to ensure you select the correct one.)

2. For international students, enter your full English name as shown in the system, surname and given name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. 

(II) Graduation/Degree Certificate Photos

Your photos for graduation and degree certificates taken collectively on our campus has been uploaded to both the CHSI website (http://www.chsi.com.cn/ ) and the HIT Degree Application System. Please log in promptly to verify them. (Note: The photos uploaded to the two systems should be the same. And the digital photo must be the same as the one on your printed graduation and

degree certificates.)

(III) About International Students

International students must sign the "Certificate Information Confirmation Form" (《制证信息确认表》) and submit it to their department. The department will then forward it to the Department of Academic Affairs for processing.

II. Information Correction Process

(I) Personal Information

Important personal information in the HIT Degree Application System, such as name, sex, enrollment date, birth date, and ID number cannot be edited by the students. If you need to correct the information, please download and print the “Graduate Information Correction Request Form” (《研究生更正学籍重要信息申请表》) (http://due.hitsz.edu.cn/info/1068/5174.htm), fill it out as required, and submit it to your department’s academic secretary for review, signature, and stamp. Afterward, the form will be sent to the Department of Academic Affairs for consolidation, and then to the Graduate School at the main campus. Other information can be updated directly by the students.

(II) Graduation/Degree Certificate Photos

According to the CHSI’s image collection rules, which include a limited online submission period (after which the "collection code" will no longer be available), and the policy that photos cannot be retaken once successfully submitted,  graduate students who fail to complete the online photo submission on time, or who need to replace their photo in the CHSI system due to issues like lost printed photos, must visit a photography studio at least one month before their thesis defense to have their photo taken in accordance with the CHSI specifications on graduation certificate photos.

As part of the thesis defense procedures, graduate students must submit 3 printed photos to their college’s academic secretary responsible for the defense process and upload a digital copy to the HIT Degree Application System( (http://yjsgl.hit.edu.cn/common/login) . If a photo is already uploaded in the system before, students must first contact 0755-26032559 to request the Graduate School at the main campus to remove the existing photo before uploading a new one.

The thesis defense staff from the Department of Academic Affairs are responsible for submission and replacement of certificate photos in the HIT Degree Application System( (http://yjsgl.hit.edu.cn/common/login) , to ensure the printed photos used for certificates match the digital ones. 

Once your the photos are approved in the HIT Degree Application System, The International Education Center will submit them to the CHSI system for processing( Tel:0755-2167 8909  0755-26908341 ,H719).