Harbin Institute of Technology
Measures for Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Process Management
No. 37 [2023], Graduate School
第一章 硕士研究生学位论文开题的有关要求
Chapter I Requirements on Evaluation of Master’s Thesis Proposals
第一条 学位论文开题工作安排
Article 1 Arrangements for Thesis Proposal Evaluation
1. 硕士研究生的开题答辩时间参照表2时间安排由各学院、学部根据研究生工作进度确定;
1. The scheduling of thesis proposal evaluations for master’s degree candidates is set by each college or department according to their graduate program’s overall schedule. Please refer to Table 2 for details.
2. 学术学位和专业学位硕士研究生学位论文开题应分类进行。硕士开题评议小组由教授、硕导5-7人组成,其中硕导不少于3人,鼓励邀请国内外高水平大学教授或行业、企业专家作为评议小组成员,专业学位硕士研究生开题评议小组中应有来自行业、企业的专家,评议小组成员名单由学位评定分委员会审定;
2. Thesis proposals for academic and professional master’s degrees should be evaluated separately. The thesis proposal evaluation panel should consist of 5 to 7 members, including professors and at least 3 master’s supervisors. It is recommended to include prominent university professors from domestic and international institutions, as well as industry experts. For professional degree candidates, the panel must include industry experts. The list of panel members requires approval from the Academic Degree Evaluation Sub-committee.
3. 对于学位课程筛选成绩“黄牌”的研究生,其开题评议小组应有其所属学位评定分委员会委员参加;
3. For students who have received a “yellow card” in their degree-required course grades, a member of the sub-committee must be included on their thesis proposal evaluation panel.
4. 开题报告通过6个月以上方可办理硕士学位论文答辩手续。
4. The master’s thesis defense procedures may begin only six months after the thesis proposal is approved.
第二条 学位论文开题报告的内容
1. 课题来源及研究的目的和意义;
2. 国内外研究现状及分析;
3. 主要研究内容及研究方案; 4.预期达到的目标;
5. 已完成的研究工作与进度安排;
6. 为完成课题已具备和所需的条件和经费;
7. 预计研究过程中可能遇到的困难和问题以及解决的措施;
8. 主要参考文献。
Article 2 A thesis proposal must include the following elements:
1. The source, purposes and significance of the research topic;
2. The current state of research, both domestically and internationally;
3. The main research content and the research plan;
4. Goals and expected outcomes of the research;
5. Summary of the research work completed so far and a proposed timeline for remaining tasks;
6. The available and required resources and funding needed to complete the research;
7. Identification of potential difficulties and proposed solutions;
8. A list of major references cited.
第三条 学位论文开题的要求
Article 3 Requirements on Thesis Proposals
1. 硕士研究生的学位论文开题报告必须先经导师审阅同意,方能申请开题答辩;
1. Before applying for a proposal defense, it must be reviewed and approved by the candidate’s supervisor.
2. 硕士学位论文开题报告字数应在5000字以上,重点阐述上一条中的1-5款内容。主要参考文献应在30篇以上,其中外文文献应不少于三分之一。硕士研究生应在导师的指导下着重查阅近年内发表的中、外文期刊文章,教材不应作为参考文献;
2. The proposal should be a minimum of 5,000 words, focusing primarily on Items 1 to 5 from Article 2. It should include at least 30 major references, with no fewer than one-third being from foreign literature. Candidates should emphasize reviewing recent articles from both Chinese and international journals; textbooks should not be cited as references.
3. 硕士学位论文开题以口头答辩的方式进行,研究生用10~15分钟汇报,10~15分钟接受评议小组提问。
3. The proposal defense is conducted orally, with the candidate presenting for 10 to 15 minutes, followed by a 10 to 15-minute question-and-answer session with the evaluation panel.
第四条 学位论文开题的审核
Article 4 Evaluation of Thesis Proposals
1. 学位论文开题的评议结果采用五级分制,记为“优秀、良好、中等、合格、不合格”。一般“优秀”不超过25%,“合格”、“不合格”不少于15%。未经批准,研究生不按时开题,成绩按“不合格”记载。开题不合格的研究生须在两个月内重新申请开题。第二次开题仍“不合格”者,予以退学;
1. The thesis proposal will be evaluated on a five-grade scale: “Excellent”, “Good”, “Fair”, “Pass”, and “Fail”. Typically, no more than 25% of candidates receive an “Excellent” grade, and at least 15% are rated as “Pass” or “Fail.” If a candidate fails to complete the proposal on time without prior approval, the grade will be recorded as “Fail”. Candidates who fail the proposal must reapply for proposal defense within two months. A second failure will result in dismissal from their program.
2. 评议小组应切实履行对研究生学位论文开题质量的把关责任,提出合理有效的意见建议,认真填写《硕士学位论文开题评议表》,内容包括论文选题的合理性、可行性及对文献综述、研究生的工作能力等方面的评价,并上报所在学院、学部,由学院、学部负责保存至学生毕业后1年。
2. The evaluation panel is responsible for ensuring the quality of the thesis proposal. They should provide constructive feedback and complete the “Master's Thesis Proposal Evaluation Form”(《硕士学位论文开题评议表》). This form must include assessments of the topic’s rationality and feasibility, the quality of the literature review, and the candidate’s research capabilities. The completed form should be submitted to the relevant college or department and retained for one year after the candidate’s graduation.
第二章 硕士研究生学位论文中期的有关要求
Chapter II Requirements on Mid-Term Report of Master’s Theses
第五条 学位论文中期检查工作安排
Article 5 Arrangements for Mid-Term Thesis Report
1. 硕士学位论文中期检查工作的时间参照表2时间安排由各学院、学部根据研究生工作进度确定;
1. The scheduling of mid-term thesis report should align with the schedule in Table 2 and be determined by each college or department based on the students’ progress.
2. 学术学位和专业学位硕士研究生学位论文中期检查应分类进行。硕士中期检查评议小组由教授、硕导3-5人组成,其中硕导不少于3人,鼓励邀请国内外高水平大学教授或行业、企业专家 作为评议小组成员,专业学位硕士研究生中期检查评议小组中应有来自行业、企业的专家,评议小组成员名单由学位评定分委员会审定;
2. Mid-term thesis report for academic and professional master’s degrees should be conducted separately. The mid-term report evaluation panel should consist of 3 to 5 members, including professors and at least 3 master’s supervisors. It is recommended to include prominent university professors from domestic and international institutions, as well as industry experts. For professional degree candidates, the panel must include industry experts. The list of panel members requires approval from the Academic Degree Evaluation Sub-committee.
3. 中期检查通过2个月以上方可办理硕士学位论文答辩手续。
3. The master’s thesis defense procedures may begin only 2 months after the mid-term report is approved.
第六条 学位论文中期报告的主要内容
Article 6 Content of the Mid-Term Report
1. 论文工作是否按开题报告预定的内容及进度安排进行;
1. Whether the thesis work is proceeding as outlined in the original proposal and schedule;
2. 已完成的研究内容和取得的研究结果;
2. Summary of the research completed and results obtained to date;
3. 目前存在的或预期可能出现的问题;
3. Existing or anticipated problems;
4. 后续研究计划;
4. Subsequent research plans;
5. 论文按时完成的可能性。
5. Evaluation of the feasibility of completing the thesis within the scheduled timeframe.
第七条 学位论文中期检查的审核
Article 7 Evaluation of the Mid-Term Report
1. 硕士研究生学位论文中期报告必须先经导师审阅同意,方能申请中期答辩;
1. The mid-term report must be reviewed and approved by the candidate’s supervisor before applying for the mid-term defense.
2. 学位论文中期以口头答辩的方式进行,研究生用10~15分钟汇报,10~15分钟接受评议小组提问;
2. The mid-term defense is conducted orally, with the candidate presenting for 10 to 15 minutes, followed by a 10 to 15-minute question-and-answer session with the evaluation panel.
3. 学位论文中期检查结果记为“合格”或“不合格”。未经批准,研究生不按时参加中期检查,成绩按“不合格”记载。中期检查不合格的研究生须在两个月内再次申请中期检查。第二次中期检查仍不合格者,予以退学;
3. The result of the defense is either “Pass” or “Fail”. If a candidate fails to complete the mid-term report on time without prior approval, the grade will be recorded as “Fail”. Students who fail the mid-term report must reapply for a defense within two months. A second failure will result in dismissal from their program.
4. 评议小组应对研究生的工作进行认真的评议并填写《硕士学位论文中期检查评议表》及《硕士学位论文中期检查情况总结》,总结应包括检查的总体情况、应受查人数、实际受查人数、工作需加速者、有可能延期者等,对完成工作量较少,阶段成果不明显的要督促其加快工作进度;对存在问题较严重或困难较大的,应要求其导师及早调整方案,做出适当处理。总结上报所在学院、学部,并保存至学生毕业;
4. The evaluation panel should thoroughly evaluate the candidate’s thesis progress and complete the “Master’s Thesis Mid-Term Report Evaluation Form” (《硕士学位论文中期检查评议表》)and the “Summary of Master’s Thesis Mid-Term Report Evaluation” (《硕士学位论文中期检查情况总结》). The summary should provide an overall evaluation, the total number of students expected to be evaluated, the number actually evaluated, those requiring accelerated progress, and and those who may need an extension. For students showing insufficient progress or few results, the panel should recommend intensified efforts. If major issues or difficulties are found, the panel should require the candidate’s supervisor to revise the research plan and take necessary measures. The completed summary should be submitted to the candidate’s department or college and retained until their graduation.
5. 各学院、学部、学科应加强研究生学位论文中期之后的管理工作,导师要加强对研究生后期研究工作的指导,确保学位论文质量。
5. Academic departments should enhance their management of graduate theses after the mid-term report. Supervisors should offer more support to help students produce high-quality theses.
第三章 博士研究生综合考评的有关要求
Chapter III Requirements for the Comprehensive Evaluation of Doctoral Students
第八条 为评价博士研究生对本学科系统的基础理论与专业知识的掌握及从事科学研究的综合能力,在第一学年结束时对博士研究生进行综合考评。
Article 8 The comprehensive evaluation is conducted at the end of the first academic year to assess doctoral students’ understanding of fundamental theories, specialized knowledge in their discipline, and overall ability in research.
第九条 综合考评内容
1. 思想政治素质及学习与科研工作态度;
2. 对本学科系统的基础理论与专业知识的掌握程度;
3. 是否具备应用所学知识进行创新性科学研究工作的能力;
4. 其它。
Article 9 Content of the Comprehensive Evaluation
1. Political awareness, moral integrity, and research conduct;
2. Depth and breadth of the student’s understanding of essential theories and specialized content relevant to their field of study;
3. Ability to effectively apply acquired knowledge in conducting innovative and original research;
4. Other aspects pertinent to academic and research performance.
第十条 综合考评安排
Article 10 Arrangements for the Comprehensive Evaluation
1. 博士研究生综合考评由学院、学部组织进行,各学院、学部分别制定《博士研究生综合考评细则》。博士研究生综合考评包括导师考评和学科考评两部分。学科考评一般包括基础专业知识、科研素质与潜力考核;
1. Each college or department is responsible for organizing the comprehensive evaluation for their doctoral students, including the development of “Rules for Comprehensive Evaluation of Doctoral Students”(《博士研究生综合考评细则》). The evaluation is composed of two parts: supervisor evaluation and discipline evaluation. Discipline evaluation typically involves a thorough examination of the student’s foundational professional knowledge, research ability, and potential for future scholarly contributions.
2. 综合考评合格的博士研究生,取得1学分,并全面进入博士学位论文研究工作;
2. Doctoral students who successfully pass the evaluation will earn 1 credit and advance fully into the research phase of their doctoral dissertation.
3. Students who rank in the bottom 10% based on the evaluations results will receive a “yellow card” warning. Those who receive a “yellow card” may apply for a second evaluation within six months. If successful in the second attempt, they will be awarded the corresponding credit. Failure to pass the second evaluation will result in expulsion from their program. Students who miss the scheduled evaluation will receive a “Fail” grade.
第四章 博士研究生学位论文开题的有关要求
Chapter IV Requirements on Evaluation of Doctoral Dissertation Proposals
第十一条 博士学位论文开题是开展学位论文工作的基础,是保证学位论文质量的重要环节。博士研究生应进行广泛的调查研究、阅读文献资料,了解学科现状和动向,尽早确定课题方向,制定论文工作计划。课题方向应对学术发展、经济建设和社会进步有重要意义。
Article 11 The dissertation proposal is an important document that lays the groundwork for the entire dissertation process and is essential for maintaining the quality and direction of research. Doctoral students should engage in comprehensive research, review relevant literature, and stay updated on current trends in their field to define their research direction and develop a detailed work plan. Their research should aim to make a meaningful impact on the academia, economic development, and social progress.
The dissertation proposal is an academic document prepared by a doctoral student under the guidance of their supervisor and requires the supervisor’s approval. This preparation process is a crucial step in shaping the student’s research topic and provides an opportunity for the student and supervisor to collaborate in refining the dissertation’s framework and core ideas.
During the proposal defense, the student presents the background of their dissertation topic, research content and plan to an evaluation panel of experts in their field. Essentially, the defense addresses key questions: Why is this research necessary? What will be studied? How will it be conducted? The panel will evaluate the relevance of the dissertation topic, the appropriateness of the research content, and the feasibility of the research plan. They will also assess whether the doctoral student has a deep understanding of the proposed topic, a comprehensive grasp of the current state of research in the field, and sufficient preparation for the work ahead. Based on the evaluation, the panel will ask questions from various perspectives regarding the scientific approach and research methodology, offering suggestions and guidance to refine the research direction, content, and plan.
第十二条 学位论文开题工作安排
Article 12 Arrangements for Dissertation Proposal Evaluation
1. Doctoral students must complete their dissertation proposal within 1.5 years of enrollment, and those in combined master’s-doctoral/bachelor’s-doctoral programs must complete it within 2.5 years. The evaluation process can be organized collectively by their department/college or conducted separately according to their field of study.
2. Before applying for a proposal defense, doctoral students are shall submit their written thesis proposal to their supervisor for review and approval. The defense is conducted orally. The oral defense should last at least 30 minutes, and the written proposal should be a minimum of 15,000 words.
3. 学术学位和专业学位博士研究生学位论文开题应分类进行。博士开题评议小组由相关学科的博导、教授5-7人组成,其中博导不少于3人,学位评定分委员会成员不少于1人,外单位或外学科成员不少于1人,鼓励邀请国内外高水平大学教授或行业、企业知名专家作为评议小组成员,专业学位博士研究生开题评议小组中应有来自行业、企业的专家,评议小组成员名单由学位评定分委员会审定。
3. Dissertation proposals for academic and professional doctoral degrees should be evaluated separately. The dissertation proposal evaluation panel should consist of 5 to 7 members, including doctoral supervisors and professors from the relevant field. Among them, at least three should be doctoral supervisors, at least one should be a member of the Academic Degree Evaluation Sub-committee, and at least one should be from an external institution or discipline. It is recommended to include prominent university professors from domestic and international institutions, as well as industry experts. For professional degree candidates, the panel must include industry experts. The list of panel members requires approval from the Sub-committee.
第十三条 学位论文开题报告的内容
Article 13 A thesis proposal must include the following elements:
1. 课题来源及研究的目的和意义;
1. The source, purposes and significance of the research topic;
2. 国内外研究现状及分析;
2. The current state of research, both domestically and internationally;
3. 学位论文的主要研究内容、实施方案及其可行性论证;
3. The main research content, plan, and feasibility analysis;
4. 前期的理论研究与试验论证工作的结果;
4. The outcomes of preliminary theoretical research and validation;
5. 论文进度安排, 预期达到的目标;
5. Dissertation timeline and expected outcomes of the research;
6. 学位论文预期创新点;
6. Anticipated original contributions of the dissertation;
7. 为完成课题已具备和所需的条件、外协计划及经费;
7. The available and required resources, external collaboration plan, and funding needed to complete the research;
8. 预计研究过程中可能遇到的困难和问题以及解决的措施;
8. Identification of potential difficulties and proposed solutions;
9. 主要参考文献。
9. Key references cited.
第十四条 对学位论文开题报告的要求
Article 14 Requirements on Dissertation Proposals
1. 博士研究生学位论文开题报告应在掌握大量有关文献资料的基础上,对国内外在该研究方向上(特别是学科前沿)的研究动态、近年来取得的主要进展、主要研究方法及已有成果进行全面的介绍和分析,对引用的文献和论述要准确注明出处。明确阐明课题研究的目的和课题的科学意义及实践意义;
1. The dissertation proposal must be grounded in a thorough literature review, offering a comprehensive overview and analysis of research trends, major recent developments, primary research methods, and existing results, both domestically and internationally. Citations should be accurately referenced. The research objectives and the scientific and practical significance of the topic must be clearly presented.
2. 主要参考文献应在50篇以上,其中外文资料不少于二分之一,参考文献中近五年内发表的文献一般不少于三分之一,且必须有近二年内发表的文献资料。教材、技术标准、产品样本等一般不应列为参考文献。
2. The list of key references should include more than 50 items, with at least half being foreign sources. Generally, at least one-third of the references should have been published within the last five years, with some published within the last two years. Textbooks, technical standards, and product samples are generally not to be included as references.
第十五条 学位论文开题的审核
Article 15 Evaluation of Dissertation Proposals
1. 学位论文开题的评议结果采用五级分制,记为“优秀、良好、中等、合格、不合格”。口头答辩结束后,评议小组应举行内部会议讨论是否准予通过,并对通过的报告提出补充、修正意见。学位论文开题通过的博士研究生获得1学分,继续进行博士学位论文研究工作;
1. The dissertation proposal will be evaluated on a five-grade scale: “Excellent”, “Good”, “Fair”, “Pass”, and “Fail”. After the oral defense, the evaluation panel will hold an internal meeting to decide whether to approve the proposal and provide supplementary or corrective suggestions. Students who pass the evaluation will earn 1 credit and proceed with their dissertation work.
2. 评议小组应填写《博士学位论文开题报告评议结果》,内容包括论文选题的合理性、可行性及对文献综述、博士研究生的工作能力等方面的评议。并上报各学院、学部保存至学生毕业后1年;
2. The evaluation panel must complete the “Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Evaluation Results”(《博士学位论文开题报告评议结果》), which includes evaluations of the topic’s rationale, feasibility, literature review, and the student’s research ability. This form should be submitted to their department or college and retained for one year after the student graduates.
3. 对通过的开题报告,博士研究生应根据评议小组的意见进行修改,经导师审阅通过后,交学院、学部研究生教学秘书保存。研究生院定期组织专家组对学位论文开题工作进行抽查;
3. For approved proposals, students should revise their work according to the panel’s suggestions, obtain their supervisor’s approval, and then submit the revised proposal to the graduate academic secretary of their department or college for retention. The Graduate School will periodically organize expert groups to conduct random checks on the dissertation proposal process.
4. 博士研究生在申请博士学位时提交的博士学位论文,其研究方向和主要内容应与开题报告基本一致。硕博连读生如已在硕士阶段完成学位论文开题工作可免于进行博士综合考评,需进行博士学位论文开题。论文的主要研究方向有变动时,必须重新进行学位论文开题;
4. The research focus and main content of the final dissertation should align with the approved proposal. Students in combined master’s-doctoral programs who completed their proposal during the master’s stage are exempt from the comprehensive evaluation for doctoral students but must still complete the doctoral thesis proposal. If the research focus changes, a new dissertation proposal process will be required.
5. Failure to complete the dissertation proposal on time will result in a “Fail”. Students who fail the proposal defense may reapply within six months. A second failure will result in expulsion.
第五章 博士研究生学位论文中期的有关要求
Chapter V Requirements on Mid-Term Report of Doctoral Dissertations
第十六条 学位论文中期检查工作安排
Article 16 Arrangements for Mid-Term Dissertation Report
1. 博士研究生应于入学2.5年内完成博士学位论文中期检查,硕/本博连读生应于入学3.5年内完成;
1. Doctoral students must complete their mid-term dissertation report within 2.5 years of enrollment, and those in combined master’s-doctoral/bachelor’s-doctoral programs must complete it within 3.5 years.
2. 鼓励通过学院、学部联合,举办多学科交叉博士生论坛的形式集中进行;
2. It is recommended that colleges or departments conduct this evaluation collaboratively, with the option to organize multidisciplinary doctoral forums.
3. 学术学位和专业学位博士研究生学位论文中期检查应分类进行。博士中期检查评议小组由博导、教授5-7人组成,博导不少于3人,鼓励邀请国内外高水平大学教授或行业、企业知名专家作为评议小组成员,专业学位博士研究生中期检查评议小组中应有来自行业、企业的专家,评议小组成员名单由学位评定分委员会 审定。
3. Mid-term dissertation report for academic and professional doctoral degrees should be conducted separately. The mid-term report evaluation panel should consist of 5 to 7 members, including professors and at least 3 doctoral supervisors. It is recommended to include prominent university professors from domestic and international institutions, as well as industry experts. For professional degree candidates, the panel must include industry experts. The list of panel members requires approval from the Academic Degree Evaluation Sub-committee.
第十七条 学位论文中期检查主要内容
Article 17 Content of the Mid-Term Report
1. 论文工作是否按照开题报告预定内容及进度安排进行;
1. Whether the dissertation work is proceeding as outlined in the original proposal and schedule;
2. 论文工作进展以及工作态度、精力投入;
2. The progress of the dissertation work, including the student’s work attitude and effort;
3. 已完成内容和已取得的阶段性成果;
3. Summary of the research completed and results obtained to date;
4. 目前存在或预期可能出现的问题;
4. Existing or anticipated problems;
5. 下一步工作计划和研究内容。
5. Next steps in the work plan and research content;
第十八条 学位论文中期检查的要求
Article 18 Requirements on Evaluation of the Mid-Term Report
Doctoral students must complete the “Doctoral Dissertation Mid-Term Evaluation Form”(《博士学位论文中期进展考核表》)in the graduate education management system, summarizing the progress of their dissertation. The summary should describe the interim results achieved, the next steps in the work plan and research content, and how these align with the original dissertation proposal.
第十九条 学位论文中期检查的审核
Article 19 Evaluation of the Mid-Term Report
1. 导师应对博士研究生培养计划完成情况、科研情况以及学位论文完成情况等方面给予评价;
1. The supervisor should evaluate the doctoral student’s progress in their cultivation plan, research activities, and dissertation work.
2. 学位论文中期检查结果记为“合格”或“不合格 ”。博士学位论文中期检查合格的获得1学分,继续进行博士学位论文研究工作;
2. The result of the evaluation is either “Pass” or “Fail”. Students who pass the evaluation will earn 1 credit and continue their dissertation work.
3. 研究生不按时参加中期检查,成绩按“不合格”记载。中期检查不合格的研究生,可于6个月内再次申请中期检查。第二次中期检查仍不合格者,予以退学;
3. Failure to participate in the mid-term evaluation on time will result in a “Fail”. Students who fail the evaluation may reapply within 6 months. A second failure will result in expulsion.
4. 硕博连读生如已在硕士阶段完成学位论文中期检查工作可免于进行博士综合考评和学位论文开题,需进行博士学位论文中期检查。
4. For students in combined master’s-doctoral programs who have already completed the mid-term thesis report during the master’s stage, the doctoral comprehensive evaluation and dissertation proposal can be waived, but they must still complete the doctoral dissertation mid-term evaluation.
第六章 附 则
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
第二十条 本规定由研究生院负责解释。
Article 20 The Graduate School is responsible for interpreting these Measures.
第二十一条 本规定自发布之日起施行。
Article 21 These Measures shall enter into effect as of the date of issuance.
Appendices: Timeline for Doctoral Student Process Management and Evaluation, Timeline for Compulsory Modules of Master’s Programs
表 1 博士研究生过程管理考核时间表
Table 1 Timeline for Doctoral Student Process Management and Evaluation

表 2 硕士研究生主要必修环节时间安排表
Table 2 Timeline for Compulsory Modules of Master’s Programs
