根据《哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)国际研究生汉语课程免修办法》规定(http://due.hitsz.edu.cn/info/1055/4869.htm) ,请满足免修条件的学生于2月28日前登录本研教学管理与服务平台(http://jw.hitsz.edu.cn)完成汉语课程免修申请,并同步上传佐证材料。国际研究生汉语可申请免修汉语课程有:《初级汉语口语I》《初级汉语口语II》。请各学院按要求认真完成审核工作,并于3月3日前完成审核工作。
1. 满足条件但逾期未申请的学生视为自动放弃汉语免修申请资格。
2. 为避免对学生造成不利影响,在汉语课程免修申请尚未通过前,学生应按时参加课程学习。
3. 申请证明材料要真实合法,如有不实之处且影响审核结果的,将按照《哈尔滨工业大学深圳校区学生违纪处分办法》规定进行相应处理。
Notice on the Implementation of Exemption from Chinese Language Courses for International Graduate Students in the Spring Semester of 2025
February 23, 2025
International graduate Students,
In order to save time and learn more knowledge for international graduate students with excellent English proficiency, those who meet the conditions can apply for exemption from Chinese language courses. After approval, they do not need to participate in the course learning and will directly receive credits. The course grades will be recorded as "exemption" and will not included in the calculation of degree course screened score and GPA. We are currently conducting the review of exemption applications for international graduate Chinese language courses for the spring semester of 2025. The specific notice is as follows:
1. Object oriented
2024 international graduate students who meet the exemption requirements.
2. Application review process
According to the “ Guidelines on Exemption from Chinese Language Courses for International Graduate Students at Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen ” ( http://due.hitsz.edu.cn/info/1055/4869.htm ), students who meet the exemption conditions are required to log in to the website ( http://jw.hitsz.edu.cn ) before February 28th to complete the Chinese language course exemption application and upload supporting materials simultaneously. International graduate students can apply for exemption from Chinese language courses, including “ Elementary Spoken Chinese I ” and “ Elementary Spoken Chinese II ”.
3. Precautions
1) Students who meet the requirements but fail to apply within the deadline will be deemed to have automatically waived their eligibility for exemption from Chinese language courses.
2) To avoid adverse effects on students, they should attend the Chinese language course on time before the exemption application is approved.
3) The application proof materials must be truthful and legal. If there are any inaccuracies that affect the audit results, corresponding measures will be taken in accordance with the “ Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Campus Student Disciplinary Measures ” .
Office of Academic Affairs, Department of Academic Affairs
(Publisher:Sun Wei,Approver:Zhuning)