(2020年5月制定 2024年12月9日哈尔滨工业大学2024年第21次校长办公会议审议修订 2024年12月12日哈尔滨工业大学发布)
第一章 总 则
第一条 为严肃考风考纪,维护学校各类考试的公平、公正,依据《国家教育考试违规处理办法》(教育部令第33号)、《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部令第41号)以及有关法律、法规,结合学校实际,制定本办法。
第二条 本办法所称考试是指学校及学院、学部或其他开课单位(以下统称学院)组织的与学生学业有关的各种形式的考核,包括闭卷笔试、开卷(半开卷)笔试,口试、答辩、实际操作,提交课程论文(报告)、设计作品及其他各类作业等。
第三条 本办法适用于具有我校学籍的学生。
第二章 考场纪律
第四条 学生参加统一安排考试地点的考试,须遵守以下考场纪律:
第三章 考试违纪行为的认定
第五条 学生不遵守考场纪律,有下列行为之一的,认定为考试违纪:
第四章 考试作弊行为的认定
第六条 学生违背考试公平、公正原则,有下列行为之一的,认定为考试作弊:
第五章 考试违纪及作弊行为的处理
第七条 学生在考场参加考试时,出现违纪或作弊行为,考试工作人员要认真履行职责,做好证据采集工作,禁止当事学生继续参加考试,在试卷上标注“违纪”或“作弊”字样,当场填写《哈尔滨工业大学学生考试违纪登记表》并要求学生确认事实和签字。考试结束后,将《哈尔滨工业大学学生考试违纪登记表》和相关证据送交本科生院/研究生院。
第八条 对学生考试违纪及作弊的处分如下:
第九条 对考试违纪或作弊的学生作出警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看处分决定的,报分管校领导批准。作出开除学籍处分决定的,报分管校领导审核,由校长办公会议或者校长授权的专门会议研究决定。处分程序和学生申诉按《哈尔滨工业大学本科生学籍管理规定》《哈尔滨工业大学研究生学籍管理规定》《哈尔滨工业大学学生违纪处分办法》以及《哈尔滨工业大学学生申诉处理办法》中有关条款执行。
第六章 考试违纪及作弊行为的加重处理
第十条 受留校察看处分且尚未解除的学生,再次发生考试违纪或作弊行为的,给予开除学籍处分。
第十一条 受记过及以下处分且尚未解除的学生,再次发生考试违纪的,给予留校察看处分,处分期限追加12个月;受记过及以下处分且尚未解除的学生,又发生考试作弊的,给予开除学籍处分。
第十二条 屡次考试违纪或作弊,经教育不改的,给予开除学籍处分。
第七章 考试违纪及作弊处分的解除
第十三条 受到警告、严重警告、记过处分的学生,处分期满或毕业时予以解除。
第十四条 受到留校察看处分的学生,在处分期限到期前一周或毕业时,可申请解除处分。学生须书面提出解除处分申请,所在学院签署考察意见,经学院党政联席会议审议通过后,提交本科生院/研究生院复核。复核无异议,报分管校领导批准后,可按期或提前解除学生处分。
第八章 附 则
第十五条 本办法由本科生院、研究生院负责解释,未尽事宜按照国家、学校有关规定执行。在我校培养但不具有我校学籍的学生发生考试违纪或作弊行为的,学校将学生考试违纪或作弊行为通报至其学籍所在学校或其所在单位,由其学籍所在学校或其所在单位进行相应处理。
第十六条 本办法自发布之日起施行。原《哈尔滨工业大学学生考试纪律及考试违纪处分管理办法》(哈工大本〔2020〕143号)同时废止。
Document of Harbin Institute of Technology
No. 300 [2024], HIT Undergraduate
Harbin Institute of Technology
Measures for Management of Exam Rules and Disciplinary Actions
(Originally adopted in May 2020, revised at the 21st HIT Presidential Executive Council meeting in 2024 on December 9, 2024, and issued on December 12, 2024)
Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 These Measures are developed to maintain integrity and fairness in exams at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), in accordance with the “Regulations on Handling Violations in National Education Examinations” (Order No. 33, Ministry of Education), “Regulations on Student Management in Regular Higher Education Institutions” (Order No. 41, Ministry of Education), and other relevant laws and regulations, while also taking into account the specific context of HIT.
Article 2 In these Measures, the term "exam" refers to any form of assessment of students' academic performance organized by HIT, its colleges, schools, faculties, or other academic units (collectively referred to as "colleges"). This includes closed-book written exams, open-book or limited-book written exams, oral exams, defenses, practical assessments, term papers/reports, designs, and other types of coursework.
Article 3 These Measures apply to all students enrolled at HIT.
Chapter II Exam Rules
Article 4 Students attending exams at designated venues must observe the following rules:
(1) Students must bring a valid form of identification with a clear photo (e.g., campus card, student ID booklet, or national ID card) and place it visibly on their desk.
(2) Students may not enter the exam room more than 15 minutes after the exam begins. If early submission of exam paper is permitted, students may leave the room only after 30 minutes have passed since the exam started.
(3) Upon entering the examination room, students must follow the seating arrangement directed by the exam staff (chief examiner, invigilators, etc.).
(4) Before the exam begins, students must check their desk and surrounding area for any unauthorized materials or notes. Any such items must be immediately reported to the exam staff.
(5) Unless otherwise specified by the chief examiner, all items not required for the exam (e.g., electronic devices with storage or communication capabilities, textbooks, notes, reference materials, and any personal papers) must be placed in a designated area as instructed by the exam staff.
(6) During the exam, students are not permitted to borrow stationery, calculators, or any other materials from others. Special permission from the exam staff is required in exceptional cases. For open-book (or limited-book) exams, borrowing materials from others is strictly prohibited.
(7) Students must not look at other students’ exam papers, allow others to see theirs, whisper, use hand signals, or cause any disruption. Leaving the exam room during the exam is only allowed in emergencies (such as an urgent need to use the restroom) and must be approved by the exam staff beforehand.
(8) To leave the exam early (if permitted), students must submit their exam paper, answer sheet, scratch paper, etc. to the exam staff as instructed, and leave the room immediately.
(9) When the exam ends, students must stop writing immediately and follow the exam staff's instructions to submit their papers. During the submission process, students must keep silence and avoid talking or looking around. Students may leave the exam room only after receiving permission from the exam staff.
(10) Students are not allowed to take any exam papers, answer sheets, scratch papers, etc. out of the exam room.
(11) Only students scheduled for the exam room are allowed to enter.
(12) Students must comply with any additional instructions or requirements from the exam staff regarding the exam.
Chapter III Violations of Exam Rules
Article 5 Students who engage in any of the following behaviors will be considered in violation of exam rules:
(1) Reserving a seat before the exam and refusing to follow seating assignments made by exam staff.
(2) Bringing unnecessary items into the exam room and failing to place them in the designated area.
(3) Starting the exam before or after the designated time.
(4) Borrowing stationery, calculators, or other items during the exam without prior approval from the exam staff.
(5) Deliberately damaging the exam papers, answer sheets, or scratch paper.
(6) Taking any exam papers, answer sheets, scratch papers, etc. out of the exam room without permission.
(7) Leaving the exam room during the exam without permission from the exam staff.
(8) Making noise, disturbing other students, or interfering with the work of the exam staff.
(9) Refusing to cooperate with or hindering the exam staff in performing their duties.
(10) Any other actions that violate exam rules but do not constitute cheating.
Chapter IV Cheating in Exams
Article 6 Students who engage in any of the following behaviors that violate the principles of fairness and integrity during exams will be considered as cheating:
(1) Writing notes, formulas, or any exam-related information on or near the exam seat.
(2) Bringing materials related to the exam content or electronic devices with exam-related information into a closed-book exam. In open-book or limited-book exams, bringing in materials beyond the allowed scope or exchanging any unauthorized materials with others.
(3) Exchanging exam papers, answer sheets, scratch papers, etc., with others; copying from others, allowing others to copy from you, assisting others in cheating, or using hand signals or codes to communicate exam-related information.
(4) Submitting an exam paper, answer sheet, or scratch paper that is very similar to another student’s work, or submitting a plagiarized term paper/report, design work, or other coursework.
(5) Using electronic devices or other tools to send or receive information for cheating purposes.
(6) Stealing, taking, or damaging another student’s exam paper, answer sheet, or scratch paper, or pressuring others to facilitate cheating for you.
(7) Taking an exam on behalf of someone else or allowing someone else to take your exam; writing a term paper/report, design work, or other coursework for someone else.
(8) Gaining or attempting to access exam questions, answers, or results through improper means.
(9) Selling exam questions or answers to others.
(10) Organizing or facilitating cheating during the exam.
(11) Any actions that severely undermine the fairness or integrity of the exam, or interfere with its proper conduct.
Chapter V Handling of Exam Rule Violations and Cheating Actions
Article 7 If a student is found violating exam rules or cheating during an exam, the exam staff must immediately take appropriate action. This includes collecting evidence, preventing the student from continuing the exam, marking the exam paper of the student with the notation “Violation” or “Cheating”, filing out the “Student Exam Violation Record of Harbin Institute of Technology”, and having the student confirm the details and sign the record. Once the exam is over, the “Student Exam Violation Record” and all relevant evidence should be submitted to the Undergraduate School or Graduate School.
If a violation or instance of cheating is discovered after the exam, the student's college should form a task force to investigate the matter. After the investigation, prepare a report, fill out the "Student Exam Violation Record", and have the student confirm the details and sign the record. Both the report and the "Student Exam Violation Record" should be submitted to the Undergraduate School or Graduate School.
The Undergraduate School or Graduate School should review the case based on the facts and applicable regulations, and inform the student of their right to provide a statement or defense.
Article 8 Disciplinary actions for exam rule violations and cheating:
(1) Students who violate exam rules will face disciplinary actions, such as a warning, serious warning, or demerit, depending on the severity of the violation. These actions will remain in effect for six months.
(2) Students found to have engaged in cheating, as outlined in Articles 6(1) to 6(4) of these Measures, will be placed on probation for 12 months.
(3) Students found to have committed more serious forms of cheating, as described in Articles 6 (5) to (11), will be expelled from the university.
Decisions to issue a warning, serious warning, demerit, or probation for exam rule violations or cheating must be approved by the corresponding university leader. The decision to expel a student must be reviewed by the corresponding university leader and then discussed and finalized by the Presidential Executive Council or a special meeting authorized by the president. Disciplinary procedures and student appeals should follow the guidelines outlined in the “Regulations for Management of Undergraduate Student Status of Harbin Institute of Technology”, “Regulations for Management of Graduate Student Status of Harbin Institute of Technology”, “Student Disciplinary Measures of Harbin Institute of Technology”, and “Measures for Handling Student Appeals of Harbin Institute of Technology”.
Chapter VI Tougher Consequences for Repeated Rule Violations and Cheating
Article 10 A student on probation who commits another exam rule violation or engages in cheating again will be expelled from the university.
Article 11 Students who have received a demerit or lesser disciplinary action that has not yet been lifted will face the following consequences for repeat offenses: (1) If they commit another exam violation, they will be placed on a probation of 12 months in addition to the original penalty period; (2) If they cheat on an exam again, they will be expelled.
Article 12 A student who repeatedly violates exam rules or engages in cheating, despite repeated education and warnings, will be expelled from the university.
Chapter VII Lifting of Disciplinary Actions
Article 13 Disciplinary actions, such as warnings, serious warnings, or demerits, will be lifted once the penalty period expires or upon graduation.
Article 14 A student under probation may apply to have their penalty lifted one week before the probation period expires or upon graduation. The student must submit a written request to have the penalty lifted. This request must first be reviewed by their college and approved at the Party-Administration Joint Meeting, after which it will be forwarded to the Undergraduate or Graduate School for further review. If there are no objections during the further review, and the corresponding university leader gives approval, the penalty may be lifted as scheduled or earlier.
If the student’s college or the Undergraduate/Graduate School decides that the penalty should not be lifted as scheduled, the penalty may be extended. However, the extension must not exceed 6 months.
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 15 The Undergraduate School and Graduate School are responsible for the interpretation of these Measures. Any issues not covered in this document will be resolved in accordance with relevant national laws and university policies. For students studying at our university who do not hold official student status here, any incidents of exam rule violations or cheating will be reported to their home institution for appropriate action.
Article 16 These Measures take effect as of the date of issuance. The previous “Measures for Management of Exam Rules and Disciplinary Actions of Harbin Institute of Technology” (No. 143 [2020], HIT Undergraduate) is hereby repealed.