Regulations for Management of Graduate Student Status of Harbin Institute of Technology

发布时间:2024-08-18 发布者: 浏览量:


Note: These Regulations are written in both Chinese and EnglishThe Chinese translation will take precedence if there is any discrepancy or disagreement. The English version is for reference only.


Regulations for Management of Graduate Student Status of  Harbin Institute of Technology


No. 152 2022〕, Graduate School, HIT

201778日哈尔滨工业大学2017年第5次校长办公会议审议通过  2022624日中共哈尔滨工业大学第十三届委员会常务委员会第59次会议审议修订  2022711日哈尔滨工业大学发布)

(Reviewed and approved at the 5th meeting of the Presidential Executive Council of Harbin Institute of Technology on July 8, 2017, revised at the 59th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th CPC Committee of Harbin Institute of Technology on June 24, 2022, and issued by Harbin Institute of Technology on July 11, 2022)


Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为贯彻党和国家的教育方针,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序,保障研究生合法权益,落实立德树人根本任务,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,服务社会主义现代化国家建设,依据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部令第41号)以及《哈尔滨工业大学章程》,结合学校实际,制定本规定。

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated to implement the educational policies of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State, maintain the educational order at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), protect the legitimate rights and interests of graduate students, and achieve the goal of fostering virtue through education. By nurturing well-rounded talents, these Regulations aim to contribute to the development of both the Party and the nation. Based on the “Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China” (《中华人民共和国高等教育法》), “Regulations for Management of Students in Regular Higher Education Institutions” (Order No.41 of the Ministry of Education) (《普通高等学校学生管理规定》), and the “Statute of Harbin Institute of Technology” (《哈尔滨工业大学章程》), this document takes into account the specific circumstances of HIT.

第二条 本规定适用于取得哈尔滨工业大学学籍的各类研究生(含港澳台研究生和留学生研究生)。

Article 2 These Regulations apply to all registered graduate students at Harbin Institute of Technology, including international students and those from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.

第二章 入学、注册与请假

Chapter II Admission, Registration, and Leave

第三条 按国家招生规定录取的研究生新生,须持《哈尔滨工业大学攻读硕士/博士学位研究生录取通知书》和学校规定的相关材料,按照规定日期到校办理入学手续。

Article 3 Newly admitted graduate students, accepted in accordance with national admission regulations, must bring their “Harbin Institute of Technology Admission Notice for Master’s/Doctoral Degree Students” and the required materials specified by the university to complete the registration procedures on the designated date.

第四条 因故不能按期入学者,应向所在学院(学部、校区)请假,并报研究生院批准,请假不得超过一个月。未请假或请假未被批准逾期两周不报到者或假满逾期两周不报到者,除因经学校确认的不可抗力等正当事由以外,视为自动放弃入学资格。

Article 4 Students who are unable to register on time must request a leave of absence from their college (department or campus) and obtain approval from the Graduate School. The leave may not exceed one month. Students who fail to register within two weeks after the deadline or after their approved leave period, without having submitted an application for leave or receiving approval, will forfeit their eligibility for admission. However, valid exceptions, such as cases of force majeure, may be considered if verified by the university.

第五条 新生报到时,学校对新生入学资格进行初步审查,审查合格的办理入学手续,予以注册学籍;审查发现新生的录取通知、考生信息等证明材料,与本人实际情况不符,或者有其他违反国家和学校招生考试规定情形的,取消入学资格。

Article 5 New students will receive a preliminary verification of their admission qualifications upon arrival. Those who pass can proceed with their registration. Discrepancies between the provided documents, such as the admission notice and other information, and the actual circumstances of the student, or violations of admission regulations, may lead to revocation of admission.

第六条 新生未经批准逾期两周不按规定缴纳学费和注册学籍,视为自动放弃入学资格。

Article 6 New students who fail to pay tuition fees and register within two weeks after the deadline without approval will be considered to have forfeited their admission eligibility.

第七条 新生入学后,学校在三个月内按照国家招生规定进行复查,复查内容主要包括以下方面:

Article 7 Within 3 months after registration, the university will re-check the qualifications of the new students in accordance with national regulations. This review will cover the following aspects:


(1) Compliance of admission procedures and processes with national regulations;


(2) Authenticity and validity of admission qualifications;


(3) Consistency of the students’ personal information and identification with the admission notice and exam candidate records;


(4) Whether the students’ physical and mental health meets the medical requirements of the program they chose and ensures their ability to study and live normally at the university;


(5) Whether the professional competence of students admitted to special programs such as arts and sports meets the admission requirements;


(6) Whether the students are simultaneously registered for a degree program at another institution;


(7) Other important information related to the admission and examination processes.

第八条 学生有以下情况之一的,已经注册学籍的取消学籍,未注册学籍的取消入学资格,情节严重的,学校将移交有关部门调查处理。

Article 8 Enrollment will be revoked for registered students or admission canceled for unregistered students under any of the following circumstances. In severe cases, the university will refer the matter to the relevant authorities for further investigation and action.


(1) Admission gained through impersonation;


(2) Admission qualification or preferential admission obtained through someone else taking the exam for them;


(3) Concealment of information, academic misconduct, fraud, or nepotism during the admission process;


(4) Failure to meet admission criteria or relevant regulations;


(5) Simultaneous registration in a degree program at another institution without approval;


(6) Failure to participate in the required medical examination for new students or to submit the required medical documents;


(7) Being diagnosed or confirmed by HIT Hospital as unfit for on-campus study due to physical or mental health issues and refusing to apply for deferred admission;


(8) After deferring admission for physical or mental health reasons, failing to meet medical examination standards or being deemed unfit for on-campus study upon re-evaluation by HIT Hospital or a designated Grade-III Level-A hospital in Harbin when the deferral ends;


(9) Any other serious violations of university admission regulations.

第九条 新生有下列情况之一,可以申请保留入学资格:

Article 9 New students may apply to defer their admission under any of the following circumstances:


(1) Being diagnosed or confirmed by HIT Hospital as unfit for on-campus study due to physical or mental health issues;


(2) Graduate students in targeted programs who are sent outside the Chinese mainland for short-term assignments (within 1 year) by their employers;


(3) Enlistment in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army or the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force in response to national service calls, or participation in other HIT-recognized and policy-supported projects or activities;


(4) Any other reasons recognized by the university that render them unsuitable or impossible to start studies on campus;


For students deferring admission due to military service under Item (3), the deferral can extend up to 2 years after discharge. For other reasons, the deferral period is typically 1 year, unless otherwise specified by national policies or university regulations. To defer admission, students must submit a written application with supporting documents and receive approval from their college, department, or campus, as well as from the Graduate School, before the registration date or within the first two weeks of the initial term.


During the deferral, students are exempt from tuition and do not hold student status or associated rights and privileges. Students must maintain contact with their college (department or campus) during the period and submit a re-admission application within two weeks before the deferral ends. If approved, they may proceed with the admission process; if not, their admission will be canceled. Failure to apply for re-admission within two weeks after the deadline, without a valid reason verified by the university, will be considered a waiver of admission. Students who defer admission for health reasons and recover during the deferral period must submit a health certificate from a Grade-II Level-A hospital. Additionally, they must pass a re-examination at HIT Hospital or another designated hospital before they can continue with the admission process.

第十条 春、秋季学期开学时,研究生须按学校规定的日期返校,两周内办理注册手续(夏季学期延续春季学期注册结果)。未按学校规定缴纳学费等其他不符合注册条件的不予注册。家庭经济困难的研究生可以申请助学贷款或者其他形式资助,办理有关手续后注册。

Article 10 Graduate students must return to the university at the beginning of the spring and fall terms on the specified date and complete the registration process within two weeks. The summer term follows the registration status of the spring term. Students who have not paid tuition or do not meet other registration requirements will not be registered. Graduate students facing financial difficulties can apply for student loans or other forms of financial aid and register after completing the relevant procedures.


Part-time graduate students who need to return to their original workplace for research and thesis work, as confirmed by their college/department/campus and supervisor, must register within two weeks of the term’s start and discuss their thesis progress with their supervisor. If they are unable to register on time, they must apply for deferred registration, with the latest possible registration date being one month after the term begins.


Students who fail to register on time, except for valid reasons recognized by the university, such as force majeure, will be considered to have voluntarily forfeited their student status and will be automatically withdrawn from the university.

第十一条 硕博连读生、直博生经考核进入博士研究生培养阶段,不授予硕士学历学位,学籍按转段处理;博士生经审批转为硕士生培养的,学籍按降段处理。研究生转段、降段后仍在相应学段基本修业年限内的,按照新的学历层次缴纳学费、注册、享受奖助学金和住宿标准等待遇。

Article 11 Students in Combined Master’s-Doctoral Programs and Direct-Entry Doctoral Programs who progress to the doctoral phase after assessment will not receive a master’s degree; instead, their academic status will be upgraded to reflect their new level. Conversely, doctoral students who, with approval, switch to a master’s program will have their academic status downgraded. Following an upgrade or downgrade, students who remain within the standard duration of the corresponding phase will pay tuition, register, and receive scholarships, financial aid, and accommodation benefits according to their updated academic status.

第十二条 研究生因病、因事等情况不能按时到校参加培养方案规定的活动,应当事先履行请假手续。请假时间在两周以内,需经导师批准,学院(学部、校区)登记备案;请假时间在两周及以上、一个月以内,应由本人提交申请,经导师同意、学院(学部、校区)主管领导批准,并报研究生院备案。一学期累计请假时间一般不得超过一个月,超过一个月的须办理休学。

Article 12 Graduate students who are unable to participate in the required activities of their program on time due to illness, personal matters, or other reasons must request leave in advance. For leave up to two weeks, students need supervisor approval and must notify their college/department/campus for record-keeping. For leave between two weeks and one month, students must submit an application, get supervisor consent, and obtain approval from college/department/campus leadership, with notify the Graduate School for record-keeping. Generally, leave should not exceed one month per term; otherwise, a suspension of studies is needed.

第十三条 研究生参加由学校、学院(学部、校区)组织或导师安排的外出实习、社会实践、科研工作、学术交流等校外活动属于因公外出。研究生因公外出由派出单位负责审批和管理,外出时间超过两周及以上须报研究生院备案。

Article 13 Off-campus activities such as internships, social practice, research work, or academic exchanges organized or arranged by HIT, its departments, or student supervisors are considered official business. The departments assigning graduate students to these activities are responsible for their approval and management. Activities lasting two weeks or more must be reported to the Graduate School for record-keeping.

第十四条 研究生在学期间出国(境)留学、联合培养、实习实践和参加学术会议等事宜按照实际派出项目要求进行管理。

Article 14 Activities such as graduate students studying outside Chinas mainland, participating in joint training programs, internships, social practices, and academic conferences during their program are managed according to specific requirements for each activity.

第十五条 研究生不能按时参加培养方案规定的活动,未请假或请假未批准擅自不参加的,给予批评教育,情节严重的,给予纪律处分或者予以退学处理。

Article 15 Graduate students who fail to participate in the required activities of their program on time, without approved leave or authorization, will face a reprimand. In severe cases, they may be subject to further disciplinary actions or expulsion.


HIT assumes no legal responsibility for the actions of graduate students during their leave or any unauthorized absences.

第三章 考核与成绩记载

Chapter III  Student Assessment and Grade Recording

第十六条 研究生应当参加培养方案规定的课程和培养环节的考核,课程和培养环节考核分为考试和考查两种,考核成绩记入成绩单,并归入学籍档案。

Article 16 Graduate students must participate in the assessments of courses and training modules specified in their program. These assessments are conducted in the form of either exams or evaluations. Grades from these assessments will be recorded on their transcripts and included in their academic records.

第十七条 经学校同意,研究生可以修读学科认可的开放式网络课程和跨校修读研究生课程。修读的开放式网络课程和跨校课程成绩(学分)以及入学前按学校规定修读且考核合格的研究生课程成绩(学分),经学校审核后予以认定。研究生修读的开放式网络课程和跨校课程成绩一般不计入竞争性奖助学金的评定依据。

Article 17 With the university’s approval, graduate students may enroll in open online courses and graduate courses from external institutions recognized by HIT. Grades and credits from these courses, as well as those earned prior to admission in accordance with university regulations, will be acknowledged upon verification. Generally, grades from open online courses and courses taken at external institutions will not be considered in the eligibility evaluations for competitive scholarships.

第十八条 学校真实、完整地记载、出具学生学业成绩,对通过重修重考获得的成绩,予以标注。研究生课程考核与成绩记载的具体事项按照《哈尔滨工业大学研究生课程考核与成绩记载管理办法》办理。

Article 18 The university will accurately and completely record and issue students’ academic grades, including grades obtained through retakes. Matters about graduate course assessments and grade recording are subject to the “Measures for Management of Graduate Course Assessments and Grade Recording of Harbin Institute of Technology”(《哈尔滨工业大学研究生课程考核与成绩记载管理办法》).

第十九条 研究生在考试中违反考试纪律或者作弊,该课程考试成绩无效,成绩单上注明“违纪”或“作弊”。并视其违纪或者作弊情节,给予相应的纪律处分。给予警告、严重警告、记过及留校察看处分的,经教育表现较好,允许参加该门课程的重修。

Article 19 If a graduate student cheats or violates exam rules, their exam grade will be invalidated, and their transcript will be marked with “disciplinary violation” or “cheating”. Depending on the severity of the violation, appropriate disciplinary measures will be applied. Students who receive a warning, severe warning, demerit, or are placed on probation may be permitted to retake the course if they demonstrate improved behavior subsequently.


The response to exam rule violations and cheating is governed by the “Measures for Management of Exam Rules and Disciplinary Actions of Harbin Institute of Technology”(《哈尔滨工业大学学生考试纪律及考试违纪处分管理办法》).

第二十条 未经批准,研究生不按时参加培养方案规定的教学活动,缺课1/3及以上者,不能参加该门课程考核,成绩单上注明“取消考试资格”,并视情节轻重给予批评教育直至纪律处分。

Article 20 Graduate students who fail to participate in the required academic activities of their program without approval, or who miss 1/3 or more of the classes, will not be allowed to take the course assessment. “Disqualified from Exam” will be noted on their transcript, and they may face disciplinary actions based on the severity of the case.

第二十一条 研究生应当参加科学道德与学风建设学习,自觉遵守学术研究规范,恪守学术诚信。对存在学术不端行为的,按《哈尔滨工业大学学术道德规范》《哈尔滨工业大学学位论文作假行为处理办法实施细则》等规定给予相应的处理、处分。

Article 21 Graduate students should learn about scientific ethics and academic conduct, adhere to established research standards, and maintain academic integrity. Any cases of academic misconduct will be addressed in accordance with the “Academic Ethics Code of Harbin Institute of Technology”(《哈尔滨工业大学学术道德规范》) and the “Rules for Handling Academic Misconduct in Theses and Dissertations of Harbin Institute of Technology”(《哈尔滨工业大学学位论文作假行为处理办法实施细则》).

第四章 转学科(专业)、转导师与转学

Chapter IV  Change of Program, Supervisor, and University

第二十二条 研究生一般应在被录取的一级学科或专业学位类别(简称“专业”)完成学业。如因学科(专业)调整、导师变动、身心健康和专业特长等原因需要转学科(专业)的,可申请转学科(专业)。研究生转学科(专业)后,需要完成转入学科(专业)培养方案规定的课程学习等培养环节。

Article 22 Graduate students are generally expected to complete their studies within the program to which they were initially admitted. However, if changes are necessary due to program adjustments, supervisor changes, health issues, or shifts in academic focus, students may apply to transfer to another program. Upon approval, they must complete all required courses and training components for their new program.

第二十三条 研究生入学未满一年的,一般不得转学科(专业)。研究生在学期间只允许办理一次转学科(专业)事宜。研究生转学科(专业)应经转出和转入学院(学部、校区)、学科(专业)、导师同意,并经转入学科(专业)考核通过后报研究生院审批。研究生不得因转学科(专业)而超过最长修业年限。

Article 23 Students who have been enrolled for less than one year are generally not permitted to change their program. Each student is allowed to change their program only once during the standard duration of study. This change requires approval from their original and new college, department, campus, and supervisor, and must be approved by the Graduate School following an assessment by their new department. Changing programs should not extend the maximum duration of their studies.

第二十四条 申请转学科(专业)者,学位类型和学习形式一般不得更改。以特殊招生形式录取的研究生,国家有相关规定或者录取前与学校有明确约定的,不得转学科(专业)。

Article 24 When applying to change a program, the type of degree and form of study generally cannot be changed. Graduate students admitted through special means, where national regulations or pre-admission agreements with the university specify restrictions, are not allowed to change their program.

第二十五条 研究生在读期间可申请变更导师,研究生申请变更导师应书面阐明理由,一般经原导师和新导师同意,所在学院、(学部、校区)批准后,方可变更导师。如原导师不同意学生转导师申请,经学校指定的专门工作小组调查认为原导师在指导过程中存在明显过错或不适合继续指导该生,经学院(学部、校区)批准后,可以变更导师;调查认定研究生变更导师的申请不合理或理由不属实,研究生仍不接受原导师继续指导的予以退学。

Article 25 Students may request a change of supervisor by submitting a written application explaining their reasons. This change requires the consent of both their current and new supervisors and approval from their department, college, or campus. If the current supervisor disagrees, the university will designate a special committee to investigate the situation. If the investigation finds the current supervisor at fault or unsuitable, the corresponding department may approve the change. However, if the request is deemed unreasonable or the reasons provided are found to be invalid, and the student refuses to work with the current supervisor, the student may face expulsion.

第二十六条 研究生一般不得转学。如因患病或者有特殊困难、特别需要,无法继续在本校学习或者不适应本校学习要求的,可以申请转学。有下列情形之一,不得转学:

Article 26 Graduates students are generally not permitted to transfer to another university. However, if a student is unable to continue at HIT due to illness or special circumstances, they may apply for a transfer. Transfers are not allowed under the following conditions:


(1) Within the first term of enrollment or within one year before graduation;


(2) From a lower degree level to a higher level;


(3) For students admitted through targeted programs;


(4) If the admission standards of the intended university or its program are higher than those of HIT or its program;


(5) Without a valid reason for the transfer.


If a transfer is necessary due to changes in university conditions or other circumstances beyond a student’s control, HIT will provide a certification, and the provincial education department will assist in transferring the student to another university of equivalent status.

第二十七条 学生转学由本人提出申请,经导师、学院(学部、校区)主管领导及研究生院签署意见,经我校和拟转入学校同意,方可办理转学手续。跨省转学的,由转出地省级教育行政部门商转入地省级教育行政部门,按转学条件确认后办理转学手续。须转户口的由转入地省级教育行政部门将有关文件抄送转入校所在地公安部门。

Article 27 To initiate a university transfer, students must submit an application for approval to their supervisor, department, college/campus leaders, and the Graduate School. Consent from both HIT and the intended university is required. For an inter-provincial transfer, the education departments of both the current and receiving provinces will verify the transfer conditions and coordinate the process. If students need to transfer their hukou (household registration), the education department of the receiving province will send the relevant documents to the local public security department near the new university.


HIT will make public the relevant information of the transfer, and the new university will report the transfer to their provincial education department within 3 months after completion.

第五章 休学、保留学籍与复学

Chapter V Leave of Absence, Retention of Student Status, and Reinstatement

第二十八条 研究生可以在学校规定的最长修业年限内分阶段完成学业。研究生申请休学或者学校认为应当休学者,由学校批准后,可以休学。研究生休学时间一般以半年或一年为期,全日制研究生因创业休学一般累计不得超过两年,其他原因休学的一般累计不得超过一年。

Article 28 Graduate students may complete their studies in stages within the maximum duration specified by the university. Graduate students may take a leave of absence with the university’s approval, either upon request or if deemed necessary by the university. A leave of absence is typically for six months to one year. Full-time graduate students may take up to two cumulative years of leave for entrepreneurial purposes and up to one year for other reasons.

第二十九条 研究生有下列情况之一者,需申请休学:

Article 29 Graduate students must apply for a leave of absence under the following circumstances:


(1) Physical or mental health issues that render them unfit to continue studies on campus;


(2) Accumulated leave exceeding one month in a term;


(3) Full-time entrepreneurship or internships at a prospective employer lasting over one month for personal reasons;


(4) Graduate students in targeted employment programs who need to interrupt their studies for over a month due to work commitments;


(5) Leave for childbirth;


(6) Inability to continue normal studies, as determined by their supervisor and department/college/campus;


(7) Any other reasons that necessitate a study interruption exceeding one month.

第三十条 研究生如因上述原因休学,由本人通过研究生系统提交休学申请并附相关证明,经导师同意、所在学院(学部、校区)及研究生院批准后,方可休学。对于导师和所在学院(学部、校区)认为必须休学者,由导师提交该研究生休学建议,经所在学院(学部、校区)同意和学校批准后,可强制休学。定向就业类研究生申请休学还须经所在单位同意,出具单位同意证明。

Article 30 A graduate student may apply for a leave of absence through the graduate student system for the reasons mentioned above, with relevant documentation attached. Approval is required from their supervisor, department/college/campus, and the Graduate School. If their supervisor and department/college/campus determine that a leave of absence is necessary, the supervisor can submit a recommendation for the student’s leave. Upon approval from the department/college/campus and the university, this may result in a mandatory leave. Targeted-employment graduate students must also obtain consent from their employer and provide proof of this consent.

第三十一条 休学学生须办理休学手续离校。休学期间,学校为学生保留学籍,不享受在校研究生待遇,学校对其行为不承担任何法律责任。

Article 31 Students on leave must complete the necessary procedures to leave the university. During the leave, the university will retain their student status, but they will not enjoy the rights and privileges of enrolled graduate students, and the university is not legally responsible for their actions.

第三十二条 在校研究生应征参加中国人民解放军(含中国人民武装警察部队),可保留学籍至退役后2年。保留学籍研究生应办理离校手续,保留学籍期间,不享受在校研究生待遇,学校对其不承担任何法律责任。

Article 32 Graduate students enlisted in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (or the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force) may retain their student status until 2 years after their discharge. These students must complete the necessary procedures to leave the university. During the retention period, they will not enjoy the rights and benefits of enrolled graduate students, and the university is not legally responsible for their actions.

第三十三条 休学、保留学籍的研究生,应在休学、保留学籍期间主动与学院(学部、校区)保持联系,并在休学、保留学籍期满前两周内向学校提出复学申请,经导师同意、学院(学部、校区)主管领导批准及研究生院备案后复学。因病休学者,应持三级甲等以上医院提供的健康证明,经学校复学研判专家组评估后认为其身心状况可以在校学习生活的,准予复学。休学、保留学籍期满两周后仍未办理复学或继续休学手续者,视为主动放弃学籍,按自动退学处理。

Article 33 Graduate students on leave with student status retained must maintain contact with their department/college/campus during their leave and apply for reinstatement within two weeks before the leave or retention period ends. Reinstatement requires the consent of their supervisor, approval from their department/college/campus leaders, and registration with the Graduate School. Students on medical leave must provide a health certificate from a Grade-III Level-A hospital, and their physical and mental condition must be evaluated and deemed fit for returning to campus by the university’s reinstatement evaluation team. Students who do not apply for reinstatement or for an extension of leave within two weeks after the leave period ends will be considered to have voluntarily abandoned their student status and withdrawn from the university.

第三十四条 研究生在休学或保留学籍期间如有严重的违纪违法行为,学校将取消其复学资格。

Article 34 Graduate students who commit serious disciplinary or legal violations during their leave or status retention period will have their eligibility for reinstatement revoked by the university.

第六章 分流与退学

Chapter VI Academic Redirection and Withdrawal

第三十五条 博士研究生(含硕博连读生和直博生)在最长修业年限内,学位课经重修或改修后仍有两门次课程不合格者,或综合考评、开题、中期检查等必修培养环节连续两次未通过者,或确因身体、能力等原因无法继续完成博士学业者,一般应予以退学,但经所在学科综合考核后认为其符合硕士研究生培养条件的,可以提出转为硕士研究生培养。

Article 35 Doctoral students, including those in combined master’s-doctoral programs and direct-entry doctoral students, may be dismissed from the university under any of the following conditions within the maximum duration of their studies: (1) Failing two courses, even after retaking them; (2) Failing mandatory training components such as comprehensive evaluation, dissertation proposal, or mid-term report of dissertation twice; (3) Being unable to continue their doctoral studies due to health, academic performance, or other reasons. However, if a comprehensive evaluation by their department indicates that they meet the requirements for a master’s program, they may be transferred to a master’s program.

第三十六条 符合分流条件的博士研究生,按以下方式执行分流:

Article 36 Doctoral students who do not qualify to continue their program may be redirected to a master’s program under the following rules:


(I) Direct-entry doctoral students may apply to transfer to a master’s program in the same field as their current studies (academic or professional degree) with the approval of their supervisor, department/college/campus, and the Graduate School. Upon transfer, the requirements of the new program will apply accordingly.


(II) Combined master’s-doctoral students will be transferred based on the following conditions:


(1) If they are in the same-discipline programs, they may apply to transfer to a master’s program in the same field, subject to the approval of their supervisor, department/college/campus, and the Graduate School. Upon transfer, the requirements of the new program will apply accordingly.


(2) If they are in the cross-disciplinary programs, they may apply to transfer to a master’s program in their current field, subject to the same approvals as above. Upon transfer, the requirements of the new program will apply accordingly. If students wish to return to their original field, they must apply for approval from their current department, the intended department, the new supervisor, and the Graduate School. Upon return, the requirements for their original program will apply accordingly.


(III) Doctoral students with a master’s degree will be transferred based on the following conditions:


(1) If their current field of study differs from their previous master’s degree or was obtained from another university, they may apply to transfer to a master’s program in their current field, subject to the approval of their supervisor, department/college/campus, and the Graduate School. Upon transfer, the requirements of the new program will apply accordingly.


(2) If their current field of study is the same as their previous master’s degree obtained from HIT, they are not eligible for the transfer and will be dismissed from the university.


For direct-entry and regular doctoral students, the time spent in the doctoral program will count toward their master’s program duration. Combined master’s-doctoral students will have their time counted from the start of their master’s studies. If the transfer occurs within the standard duration of their master’s phase, the duration requirements of the corresponding program will apply. If the transfer occurs outside the standard duration, they must complete their studies and defend their master’s thesis within one year after transfer. Failure to defend the thesis within this period will lead to a certificate of completion instead of a degree, if eligible; if not eligible, they will be dismissed from the university.

第三十七条 符合分流条件的博士生可提出分流申请,由学生本人填写《博士研究生申请转为硕士研究生培养/答辩审批表》,经研究生的导师、所属学院(学部、校区)、拟接收导师、拟接收学院(学部、校区)及研究生院同意后办理后续相关手续。

Article 37 Doctoral students eligible for transfer to a master’s program can apply by filling out the “Application for Transfer from Doctoral to Master’s Program/Thesis Defense”(《博士研究生申请转为硕士研究生培养/答辩审批表》). The application requires approval from the student’s current and prospective supervisors, departments/colleges/campuses, and the Graduate School.

第三十八条 研究生本人申请退学的,经学校审核同意后,办理退学手续。

Article 38 Graduate students who voluntarily apply for withdrawal from HIT must have their application reviewed and approved by the university to complete withdrawal procedures.

第三十九条 研究生有下列情形之一且本人未申请退学的,学校予以退学处理:

Article 39 If a graduate student meets any of the following conditions but does not voluntarily apply for withdrawal, the university will initiate dismissal procedures:


(1) Fails to apply for an extension of the study period after reaching the standard duration without meeting the graduation requirements, or having an extension application denied;


(2) Fails to graduate or complete their program within the maximum duration allowed;


(3) Fails to register for an academic term within two weeks after the deadline without an approved leave (except in cases of force majeure);


(4) Is absent from the university for over two weeks without approval, or fails to return within two weeks after an approved leave ends, or does not participate in required academic or research activities for two consecutive weeks without approval;


(5) Accumulates more than 1 month of leave in a term without an approved application for a leave of absence;


(6) Fails to apply for reinstatement or fails to qualify for reinstatement after the leave of absence or retention of student status period ends without applying for an extension;


(7) Fails to apply for registration for formal studies after the deferred admission period ends;


(8) Fails to pay tuition on time as required by the university;


(9) Fails two or more retaken or substituted courses;


(10) Fails required academic components such as comprehensive evaluations, thesis/dissertation proposal, or mid-term report of thesis/dissertation twice without being transferred to another program;


(11) Is unable to complete their studies due to poor academic performance or other reasons as confirmed by the university;


(12) Is diagnosed or confirmed by HIT Hospital as having physical conditions, illnesses, or disabilities that render them unable to continue studying on campus;


(13) Has false or incomplete documents in their student archives;


(14) Registers as a student or pursue a degree in another university without approval from HIT;


(15) Any other reasons deemed by HIT as grounds for dismissal;


Under conditions (1) through (8), the student will automatically forfeit their student status, and the Graduate School will initiate the withdrawal process upon verification. For the other conditions, a special meeting, authorized by the university president, will be held to determine the appropriate dismissal action for the student. Before a final decision of dismissal is made, the student will be informed of the facts, reasons, and basis for the decision and will have the right to present their case and defend themselves. The decision will be delivered directly to the student. If the student refuses to accept it, the decision will be served by leaving it at their usual place of abode; if the student has left the university, it may be sent by mail, email, or other electronic communication methods. In cases where contact with the student proves difficult, the decision may be published on their college’s website as an alternative means of delivery.

第四十条 研究生退学的后续问题按下列办法处理:

Article 40 The following procedures apply to graduate students who are dismissed:


(1) For dismissed students who meet employment eligibility criteria based on their education level and applicable employment policies, the university will report their status to the provincial graduate employment department to facilitate the necessary procedures;


(2) The students’ archives will be returned to their home location, and their hukou will be returned to their original or family hukou location according to national regulations;


(3) From the month following the dismissal announcement, the students will no longer receive scholarships, stipends or other financial aids and must leave the university within two weeks;


(4) Tuition refunds will be handled according to national and university financial regulations.

第四十一条 研究生对退学等处理有异议的,按照《哈尔滨工业大学学生申诉处理办法》办理,退学的研究生,不得申请复学。

Article 41 Graduate students who disagree with their dismissal or other related matters may appeal according to the “Measures for Handling Student Appeals of Harbin Institute of Technology”(《哈尔滨工业大学学生申诉处理办法》). Dismissed students are not eligible to apply for reinstatement.

第七章 毕业、结业与学位授予

Chapter VII Graduation, Completion, and Degree Conferral

第四十二条 研究生基本修业年限:硕士生为2~3年(各学科专业硕士研究生基本修业年限在当年招生章程中公布);博士生为4年;硕博连读、直博生为5年。

Article 24 The standard duration of study for graduate students is as follows:

Master’s Students: 2-3 years (the specific duration for each program is detailed in the annual admissions brochure).

Doctoral Students: 4 years.

Combined Master’s-Doctoral and Direct-Entry PhD Students: 5 years.


The maximum duration of study (including regular leave of absence):

Full-Time Master’s Students: 4 years.

Part-Time Master’s Students: 5 years.

Doctoral Students (with a master’s degree): 6 years.

Combined Master’s-Doctoral and Direct-Entry Doctoral Students: 7 years (including the masters phase).


For students taking a leave of absence due to entrepreneurship or military enlistment in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (or the Chinese People’s Liberation Army) while retaining student status, the period on leave will not count toward their study duration. The standard and maximum durations will be extended accordingly.

第四十三条 研究生在学校规定的年限内,修完培养方案规定的内容,成绩合格,完成学位论文等环节,并通过答辩,达到学校毕业要求的,准予毕业并颁发毕业证书,符合学位授予条件的,颁发学位证书。研究生提前完成培养方案规定的内容,可以申请提前毕业。

Article 43 Graduate students who complete all required components of their program, attain passing grades, fulfill thesis/dissertation requirements, and successfully defend their thesis/dissertation within the prescribed timeframe will be awarded a graduation certificate. Additionally, they will receive a degree certificate if they meet the criteria for degree conferral. Students who complete their program ahead of schedule may apply for early graduation.

第四十四条 研究生在基本修业年限内,未完成培养方案规定的全部培养环节,或有培养环节考核未达到要求,未给予退学处理的,可以申请延长修业年限。

Article 44 Graduate students who fail to meet all graduation requirements within the standard study period but are not dismissed may apply for an extension of their study period.


To request an extension, students must submit a written application at least two weeks before the end of their standard study period. The application requires approval from their supervisor and department/college/campus before being submitted to the Graduate School for final approval. Each extension is granted for up to one year, and the total study period, including extensions, must not exceed the maximum duration of study.

第四十五条 研究生在基本修业年限内完成培养方案规定的全部课程学习和培养环节可申请结业,或者修满基本修业年限尚未达到毕业要求的研究生可准予结业。结业后,达到学位申请条件的研究生,可在申请学位的最长年限内向学校申请答辩。答辩通过的可用结业证书换发毕业证书,毕业证书日期按答辩通过日期填写,符合学位授予条件的可授予相应学位。

Article 45 Graduate students who complete all required courses and curriculum components within the standard program duration may apply for a completion certificate. Those who have reached the end of the standard duration but have not yet fulfilled all graduation requirements may also be eligible to apply for a completion certificate. Upon completing the program, students who meet the degree application criteria may apply for a thesis or dissertation defense within the maximum period allowed for degree completion. Students who pass the defense may convert their completion certificate into a graduation certificate, which will be dated on the day of the defense. Those who meet the degree conferral criteria will also receive their corresponding degree.


Students have up to 6 years to complete a master’s degree, 8 years for a doctoral degree (if they already hold a master’s degree), and 9 years for a combined master’s-doctoral or direct-entry doctoral program, which includes the master’s phase.

第四十六条 通过答辩的研究生应及时将学位论文提交校学位评定委员会审核,审核通过后授予相应学位。研究生原则上应在答辩通过后12个月内,向校学位评定委员会提交学位论文进行学位审核,经校学位评定委员会审核未投票表决的学位论文,也应在12个月内完成修改并重新提交校学位评定委员会审核,逾期不再受理。学位论文提交校学位评定委员会审核未投票表决的次数一般不超过两次。

Article 46 Students who pass their defense should promptly submit their thesis/dissertation to the university’s Academic Degree Evaluation Committee for review. Upon approval, the corresponding degree will be awarded. Theses/dissertations should be submitted to the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee within 12 months after passing the defense. If revisions are required, the revised thesis/dissertation must be resubmitted within the same 12-month period. Submissions beyond this period will not be accepted. Generally, a thesis or dissertation may be submitted to the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee for approval up to two times without a committee vote to determine the outcome.

第四十七条 在校学习时间满一年的退学研究生,可以发给肄业证书;在校学习时间未满一年的退学研究生,可以开具写实性学习证明。

Article 47 Students who withdraw after studying at the university for at least one year may receive a certificate of completion. Those who withdraw before completing one year of study will receive a proof document of their academic experience.

第四十八条 对毕业、结业、退学的研究生,自相应批准之日起,学生在籍状态自行终止,终止后学校对其行为不承担任何法律责任,学生一般应于终止学籍之日起两周内办理完离校手续并离校,通过学位论文答辩已毕业的博士研究生,为了完善学位论文,可申请延迟最多3个月办理离校手续并离校。

Article 48 Upon graduation, completion, or withdrawal, student status will automatically terminate from the date of approval. The university will no longer bear any legal responsibility for the student’s actions post-termination. Students are required to complete all departure procedures and leave the university within two weeks of status termination. Doctoral graduates who have successfully defended their dissertation but wish to make further revisions may apply for a delayed departure, with a maximum extension of three months.

第八章 学业证书管理

Chapter VIII Academic Certificate Management

第四十九条 学校严格按照研究生招生录取时确定的办学类型和学习形式,以及填报的个人信息,按照国家有关规定填写、颁发学历证书、学位证书及其他学业证书。

Article 49 The university issues academic certificates and degrees according to the students’ program, study mode, and personal details provided during admission, in compliance with national regulations.


If a student needs to update personal information, such as their name or date of birth, on these certificates while still enrolled, they must submit a valid reason along with legally recognized documents to support the request. Changes will only be made after receiving approval from the university.

第五十条 学校按照高等教育学籍学历电子注册管理制度及相关规定完成学生学籍学历电子注册。

Article 50 The university maintains electronic records of students' academic status and experiences in compliance with national regulations and guidelines for electronic registration and management of higher education academic records.

第五十一条 对违反国家招生规定取得入学资格或者学籍的学生,学校将取消其学籍,不发学历证书、学位证书;对已发的学历证书、学位证书予以撤销。对以作弊、剽窃、抄袭等学术不端行为或者其他不正当手段获得学历证书、学位证书的学生,学校依法对其证书予以撤销。对于毕业后被发现在读期间有达到开除学籍处分程度的违反法律法规及学校纪律行为,已获得学历证书、学位证书的,学校依法予以撤销。

Article 51 Students who gain admission or student status through violations of national admissions regulations will have their status revoked, and no graduation or degree certificates will be issued. Any previously issued certificates will also be invalidated. For students who obtain graduation or degree certificates through cheating, plagiarism, academic misconduct, or other improper means, the university will revoke those certificates in accordance with the law. If, after graduation, it is found that a graduate committed legal violations or violated university regulations during their studies that would have warranted expulsion, the university will, in accordance with the law, revoke any previously issued graduation or degree certificates.


If revoked certificates were previously registered, the university will cancel the registration and report the invalidation to the relevant higher education authorities.

第五十二条 学历证书和学位证书遗失或者损坏,经本人申请,学校核实后,发给相应的证明书,证明书与原证书具有同等效力。

Article 52 In the event that a graduation or degree certificate is lost or damaged, the university will issue a corresponding proof of certification upon the student’s application and subsequent verification. This proof will carry the same legal effect as the original certificate.

第九章 奖励与处分

Chapter IX Rewards and Disciplinary Actions

第五十三条 按照国家和学校有关规定,对于品学兼优的研究生经过评选分别采取授予荣誉称号或者颁发奖学金等形式,给予相应的精神鼓励或者物质奖励。

Article 53 In recognition of outstanding academic and moral performance, graduate students may be awarded honorary titles or scholarships. These awards offer both spiritual and material benefits, aligned with national and university regulations.

第五十四条 对有违反法律法规及学校纪律行为的学生,学校给予批评教育,并视情节轻重,给予如下纪律处分:

Article 54 Students who violate national laws and regulations or university rules and regulations will be subject to corrective measures. Depending on the severity of the misconduct, disciplinary actions may include:






(1) Warning;

(2) Serious Warning;

(3) Demerit;

(4) Probation;

(5) Expulsion.


These actions will be administered in accordance with the “Student Disciplinary Measures of Harbin Institute of Technology”(《哈尔滨工业大学学生违纪处分办法》)and other relevant regulations.

第五十五条 研究生有下列情形之一,给予开除学籍处分:

Article 55 Graduate students may face expulsion if they:


(1) Violate the Constitution or the Four Cardinal Principles of the Peoples Republic of China, threaten social stability and unity, or disrupt public order;


(2) Break national laws and commit criminal offenses;


(3) Face penalties for severe or malicious violations of public security regulations;


(4) Impersonate others or allow themselves to be impersonated during exams, organize or participate in cheating, use unauthorized communication devices or equipment, sell exam questions or answers for profit, or commit other serious violations that undermine exam integrity;


(5) Engage in academic misconduct, such as plagiarism, falsification, or forgery in theses, dissertations, or published research papers, or participate in ghostwriting or the buying/selling of academic papers;


(6) Violate these Regulations or other university rules in ways that severely disrupts educational activities, living conditions, or public space management;


(7) Inflict significant harm to the legal rights of individuals or organizations;


(8) Receive three disciplinary actions from the university for violating university rules and regulations.

第五十六条 对学生做出的处理、处分决定以及处分告知书等,学校直接送达学生本人,学生拒绝签收的,以留置方式送达;已离校的,采取邮寄方式送达或采取电子邮件、微信等电子通讯方式送达;难于联系的,利用学校学院(学部、校区)网站等以公告方式送达。

Article 56 A notice regarding disciplinary decisions will be delivered directly to the student involved. If the student refuses to accept the notice, it will be served by leaving it at their usual place of abode. Should the student have left the university, the notice will be sent via mail or through electronic communication channels such as email or WeChat. In cases where contact with the student proves difficult, the notice will be published on the official website of HIT/their college/department/campus or other relevant platforms.

第五十七条 学生主动申请放弃入学或未按规定期限报到属于自动放弃入学资格情形的,学生主动申请退学或属于前述退学条款中规定的自动放弃(失去)学籍情形的,研究生院审核后办理相关手续,其他情形对学生做出取消入学资格、取消学籍、退学、开除学籍或者其他涉及学生重大利益处理或者处分决定的,提交校长授权的专门会议研究决定。

Article 57 Students who voluntarily withdraw or fail to register for studies by the specified deadline will be considered to have automatically forfeited their admission qualifications. In such cases, the Graduate School will process the relevant procedures following a review. For other situations involving the cancellation of admission qualifications or student status, withdrawal, expulsion, or other significant decisions affecting student interests, a special meeting authorized by the university president will make the final decision.

第五十八条 受到取消入学资格、取消学籍和退学处理或违规、违纪处分的研究生可以提出申诉,具体申诉按《哈尔滨工业大学学生申诉处理办法》办理。

Article 58 Students facing disciplinary actions or cancellation of admission qualifications or student status have the right to appeal. Appeals will be handled in accordance with the “Measures for Handling Student Appeals of Harbin Institute of Technology”(《哈尔滨工业大学学生申诉处理办法》).


Chapter X Supplementary Provisions

第五十九条 在我校以同等学力人员方式申请学位的学生参照本规定执行。

Article 59 These Regulations may also apply to other students seeking degrees with equivalent academic qualifications.

第六十条 本规定由研究生院、学生工作部()/团委负责解释。

Article 60 The Graduate School, the Office of Students Affairs, and the Communist Youth League Committee, is responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.

第六十一条 本规定自202291日开始施行。原《哈尔滨工业大学研究生学籍管理规定》(哈工大研〔2017403号)同时废止。其他有关文件规定与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。

Article 61 These Regulations take effect from September 1, 2022. The previous “Regulations for Management of Graduate Student Status of Harbin Institute of Technology” (No. 403 [2017], Graduate School, HIT) are hereby repealed. If there is any discrepancy between other relevant documents and these Regulations, the latter shall prevail.